touch my skin.

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what do you think of me
when you look
at all this black in my skin,
is this rage, fueled by
what i took, which was not
just given to me or bought
but earned, by the ability
for me to think freely,
speak freely,
act freely,
you're now forced
to feed me respect
and it hurts you
even now that i'm liberated,
your heart still burns with hate,
and envy morphs with your soul.
you attempt to rid me
of my ethnicity,
but you'll never realize
the impossibility of
your ruthless works,
and that makes you cringe
because i have fortified
my presence in this society
today, even with my many
flaws, i am now finally
considered, one of you and,
i now have to be treated that way,
and you despise that.
- k y r v t

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