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she's mad, she tears every strand of
her golden hair, from her scalp,
she goes into a fit of madness,
like to say she'd been cursed by Hera*
her fists are bound and firm,
and her eyes, rolled backward,
she doesn't seem to live in this world;
her legs twirl and her mouth froths,
she bangs in constant pique at the walls,
trying,vainly, to evade the illusion of deadly spiders,
giant moths;
but leaves a threshold where nightmares crawl,
in her mind, no thoughts are truly existent,
and for such madness, is no peculiar treatment;
he's mad, it was obvious by his sudden outlandish behavior,
before, he would be so silent, so nonchalant,
but now, he's consumed, and inadvertently,
he disregards humble emotion and so, speech is blatant,
his hearing is barred, ignorance alters his thinking,
his feelings have stepped into shadows, and forcefully found their rightful place,
rightful in accordance to his current state,
he knows no love now, his madness, he'll embrace.
- k y r v t

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