Chapter 6

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"......sweetheart you need to wake up. We've reached the castle" someone tapped my cheek lightly. I groaned and opened my eyes. Elliot's blue orbs bore into mine and he smiled. I realised that we had reached so I sat up straight.

"Huh....uh ya I'm awake. What time is it?" I pouted. How much had I slept?

"It's 21 hours" he took my hand in his making sparks erupt over my entire body. I frowned.

He laughed at my confused expression. "I meant to say 9pm, love. Come on everyone awaits to see their Queen"

Keep your head held high and do not bow down to anyone. The voice said.

I shivered before wrapping my hand around Elliot's arm. Holy shit, he got huge biceps. I must be looking like a rat in comparison to him. Milan The Rat...hey it sounds cute.

Elliot gave me a light squeeze making me come back to earth and take in the scene in front of me. Holy shit, I'll be living here! It's even prettier than it was in my dream. Larger than I expected an don't even get me started on the architectural grandiosity. This was definitely every girl's dream. A handsome King and an enormous castle.

The entire castle was pure white with not a single stain or defect. I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of trumpets blasting. I looked ahead to see musicians near the entrance of the castle along with about twenty of the care takers with baskets of flowers in their hands and also a few children who seen Elliot and I which made them cheer. All this just for me?

His Highness, King Thanatos was there too looking at me with disapproval. I felt a tug at my heart but didn't allow it to show. "Your Highness" I gave him a small smile but didn't bow. "Father" Elliot shook hands with the King.

The King did not spare me another look before turning to leave. Elliot and I walked inside and I was careful not to trip and fall. Flower petals were showered on us as we walked.

A young maid of about 16 or 17 years walked up to me and bowed. She then offered me a glass of some kind of red drink (which was hopefully not blood) but it slipped from her hand and it spilt on my white t-shirt. My once white shirt was now a blood red with red liquid dripping from it. I was upset, sure, but not furious like the way my 'mate' was.

Elliot raised his hand at her but I pushed her behind me and took the blow instead. I let out a cry at the impact. What kind of a beast hits a woman?!

Elliot looked at me with a blank expression before turning to the young girl who was trembling in fear and snapped her neck. She dropped dead to the floor and there was nothing I could do about it. The children present started trembling and crying while their mothers tried to console them.

Before I could even react someone pulled me and before I knew it I was slammed on a door by Elliot who was shaking in rage. "Do. Not. Ever. Do. That." He hissed. I wanted to pee in my pants but resisted. I shouldn't bow down to him. I'm not a pathetic, weak human.

"Or what" I spat back, challenging him. He raised his hand and I shut my eyes thinking he would slap me again but felt a soft hand caress my cheeks.

Regret flashed in his eyes before it went blank once again. He turned away and slammed the door as he walked out muttering a 'go to sleep'. Maybe it was a mistake coming with him. How did I even think that I could live with a monster who abuses women?

"You need to help him"

I jumped back in surprise and glared at the girl in front of me. She threw her head back and laughed. " I'm Eleanor but you can call me Ellie and FYI I'm the better twin. I can hear your heart beating at an abnormal rate and its giving me a bloody headache" she said in a thick british accent.

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