Childbirth and Misfourtune

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- A . D -

The tan male watched in agony as he fought to be with his wife, who was having a difficult time give birth to their first child. Her face was contorted in pure pain, and her chest rising up and down to regulate enough oxygen through her body. The baby wasn't out yet and a C-Section would risk too much for the baby and the mother. There was something going on with the female that the OBGYN didn't notice sooner.

Aomine wanted to be with his wife and let her clutch onto his hand no matter how hard she held. He just wants to see if she was okay. Which she obviously wasn't. She was going through more pain than necessary and Aomine was just about ready to slam down the nurses who were trying to hold him back.

"Hurry! Transfer her into another room! She's losing oxygen!" The doctor commanded as the bed was being rolled out of the room, followers by the nurses frantically trying to insulate oxygen through her body. She was fighting for the baby but she knew she couldn't hold for long.

Aomine bolted through the nurses to chase after her and trying to overhear what the doctors were saying to each other.

"Get more blood! Her blood levels are decreasing quickly!" Aomine's heart quickened it's pace in fear and worry. One of the nurses in blue ran back to the doctor to inform him.

"Sir there's no more blood bags for her type!" The doctor's eyes widened in fear as he commanded to find the anyone in the hospital who had the same blood type as her.

"Take my blood! We have the same blood type!" Aomine volunteered immediately as a few nurses took Aomine and went to a separate room to quickly take his blood. Aomine didn't care if they stabbed him with the needle, he just wanted to help his wife.

The nurses quickly took the bag of blood and delivered it to the doctor. Aomine followed behind and went to her side. The doctors and nurses didn't stop him, and he wondered why.

"Aomine-san, there's not much more we can do. It's either save the baby or save you," the doctor offered. Before Aomine even got to react, his wife beat him to it.

"Save the baby," she exhaled sharply.

"What?! Babe, I can't lose you! You know I can't raise it by myself!" Aomine pleaded. He didn't just need her for the baby. He needed her for him.

"That's why you're going to remarry and find someone who can raise them with you," she exhaled sharper. She already knew what's best for her unseen child. She already knew what was best for Aomine.

"I-I-" Aomime stuttered.

"Daiki, please, I'm begging you, if you won't do this for them, do this for me. I want what's best for them and I don't want them to die without ever being exposed to the world for even a second," she scolded, something Aomine is sure he'd miss. For once, he couldn't say a word and just kissed her deeply for the last time and mouthed as much I love you's as he can. The seconds went by fast as before he knew it, he was being pulled out, his glassy dark blue eyes evident in his expression.

And that was the last time he's ever going to see her.

- Somewhere Else in the Hospital -

You let out a bloodcurdling scream as the baby was being pulled out carefully. You wanted nothing but to have this baby out. Now.

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