The Seductress and The Seducer

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- [L] . [F] -

You drove to the grocery store nearby your apartment to buy some food since you were running out at home.

Scanning the aisles, you took what was only necessary, since you were trying to save up for a birthday present to give to Hayato on his birthday. Contemplating between the two products of snacks, you paused when your cell phone rang. You fished out your phone and answered the call.

"[L/N] here,"

"Hello, [L/N]-chan!" A male voice called out. You sighed to yourself at the voice.

"Hello, Miyashi-san," you said monotonously.

"Aw what's with the tone?"

"Why did you call me?"

"Well, boss needs you at the office right now. He wants you to clear up a couple of facts from the report you turned in from the story you covered a couple days ago,"

"Really? Now?" You groaned.

"Aw don't be like that [L/N]-chan, you get to see me for a bit,"

"I'm not going,"

"Well it'd be a shame if you got fired. Didn't boss say that you'd get fired if you covered another story incorrectly?" He teased.

"...Fine. I'm only going to stop by for a moment,"

"See you later~" and you cut the line. You grimaced at the tone of his voice. You absolutely hated it.


After you had paid for the groceries and brought them home, you headed to the office in semi-formal wear to clear up some reports. When you had walked in, you were immediately greeted with the face that had contacted you earlier. Miyashi Yamato.

Ah yes, he was the most talented and well praised reporter in the building. You respected him because he was your senior, although he was only a couple months older. But you hated him because of his unnecessary flirtatious personality. You loved a guy who knew his way with words, but Miyashi only knew a way to make you have the urge to slam him into a trash can. He would always flirt with the girls in the office and often used conniving ways to get what he wants. His blessed body and handsome looks portrays him as an angel but his inner intentions are sharp and cunning.

You indeed despised him.

"Hello [L/N]-chan!" He greeted, attempting to hug you.

"Don't touch me," you stated firmly, pushing his arms away harshly.

"Why must you hurt me like this?" He faked a hurt expression.

"Because I quite frankly don't like you Miyashi-san," you said then walked away and headed towards your boss's office.


"Hello, sir, it's me [L/N]," you knocked loud enough on the door for him to hear.

"Ah yes, [L/N], I just wanted to call you for a brief second about your report," he said. Turns out, it wasn't a major mistake. So you didn't take long. Before you were going to leave, you stopped by at your office to pic up some papers you forgot last night. Upon hearing the door open, you turned around and saw Miyashi in his suit.

"State your business,"

"What? Do I need permission to see my [L/N]-chan?"

"Do I need permission to call security?" You threatened.

"Why do you dislike me?"

"You're a flirtatious idiot, for one. You bother me, and you keep on asking me on dates when I don't want to. I have a kid worth a million times more than you,"

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