The Mystery Woman

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- A . D -

His long lashes fluttered open as rays of sun shone through his gray curtains. Not being a morning person, he grumbled slightly and rolled over to his side, shielding his vision from the annoying sunlight. As Aomine was about to fall asleep, his eyes darted open as he remembered that he still had to go to work.

'Shit, shit, shit, I still have to get Kairi ready for school...' he slightly panicked. As everyone knew, Aomine was the type of guy to never care if he had woken up extremely late. But of course, Aomine has his dream job and daughter, so he has to get his act together. He sat up groggily and rubbed his eyes then picked up his phone to see if he had gotten any calls or texts from the chief. He noticed two things. One, he was two hours late for work already, and two, a message from the chief. Aomine unlocked his phone read the message.

'Stay home today, I heard your arm is pretty messed up. You can still come to work, but just stay at home for today. Don't worry, I'll have some stuff from the incident yesterday for you to look through.'

Well, at least he didn't have to go to work now. He could rest for a bit. Aomine decided to let Kairi stay home as well. Then he let his back fall back into bed, and let his eyes close once again.


Kairi's eyes opened slowly as she took her time to get used to her bright room, via the sunlight. Her limbs were stretched out, and her pillows, plushies, and blankets were strewn all over the place. Messiness definitely ran in her family. Kairi just lied there quietly, her mind still waking up and processing that it was morning. Eventually, she got up and picked up her favorite plushy, and headed to her dad's room.

As Kairi was headed towards his room, the doorbell rang. Her head turned towards the door, suddenly curious on who rang the bell. She thought that it would be her uncle Tetsu coming to see if her dad was okay so she excitedly ran to the door and opened it. Her smile turned into a confused frown when she didn't recognize who it was. She's never seen this person before.

"Oh, hello there! What's your name? I may have the wrong house," the mysterious person asked her, bending down to her level.

"A-Aomine Kairi. My dad is probably still sleeping. I was about to wake him up. Who are you?"

"A friend and partner of your dad's,"

"What's your name?"

"Kiyoko," the woman chuckled lightly and smiled at Kairi. Her eyebrow raised in confusion. Her dad has never talked about a Kiyoko before. The only women she really knew in her life were her grandmother, auntie Satsuki, and the teacher at her preschool. So who was she?

"W-Would you like to talk to my dad?"

"Yes, please. Thank you," even though Kairi only knew very few women in her life, they were all so warm and supportive, as well as kind and inviting. But somehow, this "Kiyoko" seemed off. Kairi ran down the hall and into her dad's room. She jumped onto the bed and shook the arm that wasn't broken.

"Dad! Dad!" She whisper-yelled at him. Aomine let out a small grumble then saw his daughter once he fully let his eyes process the bright room.

"Yes? What is it? You don't have to go to school today, I'm staying with you,"

"There's someone in the living room," Aomine was now fully awake, concerned that it was someone dangerous.

"Is it any of the neighbors? Uncle Tetsu? Auntie Satsuki?"

"N-No, it's some woman. She says she's your friend," Aomine picked her up and rested her on his side and walked down the hall to see who the woman was. Distaste struck Aomine's face as he recognized Kiyoko.

"Aomine, are you okay?!" Kiyoko panicked as she neared Aomine to inspect his arm. He stepped back a bit and glared at her a little.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just not going to work. Why are you here?" She smiled mischievously.

"Can I not visit to see if you're okay? Plus, I wanted to meet your little girl in person. She's a cute little child, hm?"

"No, you can't visit me. And no way in hell would I ever let you meet my daughter," Aomine spat at her, not caring if he would hurt her feelings.

"Oh, I'm wounded! I just came here to see your wellbeing and this is how you treat me? I am truly hurt, Aomine-kun," she feigned. Kairi stuck herself closer to her dad. She wasn't exactly scared of her, she just thought Kiyoko was weird and mysterious. Aomine bent his neck down a little to talk to Kairi, pretending to whisper to her, but talking loud enough that Kiyoko would hear.

"You see Kairi, this is why you don't let strangers inside. Especially people like her. She's a desperate little - " Aomine stopped himself. Not yet, he thought. "...a desperate woman," he censored.

"Now, now, Aomine-kun, don't be like that. Give me a chance to make it up to you! How about this, me, you, and your adorable little daughter, go out today?" She offered, Aomine knowing that she only asked because she's been trying to go out with him since he started working at the station.

"No, go away," Aomine immediately declined. "If I were to go out today, it would only be me and my daughter. We don't need unnecessary company,"

"Oh, but I'm pretty sure I can entertain you, Aomine-kun," she giggled. Her phone suddenly rang and she picked it up. It was from the chief. After a few minutes, she had put the phone away. While she was on the phone, Aomine let Kairi go back into her room.

"Well, I have to go back to the station. Chief wants me to review some stuff. But I'll be waiting for an answer I want, Aomine-kun," she chimed in a singy-songy voice.

"With a kid or not, Aomine-kun, I intend to score a date with you,"

"Too bad you want something you can't have," he crossed his arms.

"Can't have? I've always gotten what I've wanted,"

"No wonder you believe you're so entitled," Aomine continued.

"Entitled?" She chuckled. "Oh please, Aomine-kun, I just happen to be lucky. I work for the things I need. And plus, you're just a harder challenge to face," Kiyoko's eyes narrowed, her smile almost sinister and her eyes cat-like. "But...I do love a good challenge," Aomine just glared at her. She waved at him, about to leave.

"See at work in a few days," she winked.


A/N : hey guys! I know I've basically disappeared and just to let you guys know, I feel really bad about it! I haven't forgot about this story though, so don't worry. Life has been...crazy and unexpected for me since I've left. I won't say that I'm officially back on track with writing yet, but there could be a chance I'll come back and write a bit after finals/the school year ;) but anyways, I haven't watched or read knb stuff in a long while, so this is probably OOC. But hey, it's a start!

Anyways, I hope you've all been well! Let's hope that I will come back soon!

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