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- [L] . [F] -

Your keys fumbled through your shaky fingers as you struggled to find the right key to your car. The whole commotion of the explosion has set all of your senses in a frenzy, your mind scrambled and shaken, and your body filled with adrenaline. When you finally started your car, you quickly drove away. A string of curses and repeated phrases played through your mind and as you muttered it out.

Once you returned to headquarters, you immediately headed for the elevator to talk to your boss.

Needless to say that your boss wasn't too happy when you had suddenly barged into his office without a warning. His face hardened but softened when he saw your shaken and hyperventilating state. The person he was talking with excused themselves and your boss immediately went over to you.

"What happened?" He asked, scanning your body.

"I apologize for not gathering any information sir. Many reporters were already there and the police refused to give any information to me. As I was, a small explosion occurred and caused a commotion. I was about to be injured if it weren't for someone who saved me. I then left," you explained to him.

"Don't worry at all [L/N]-san. Your safety comes first. I'll send someone else to cover for you,"

"But sir-"

"[L/N]-chan?!" Miyashi's voice boomed as he slammed the door open. His eyes were filled with worry as he strided over to you.

"Are you okay?" He asked you.

"I'm fine, just a little shaken up," you answered to him.

"Miyashi-kun, please cover for [L/N]-san this time. I want her to rest for now,"

"Wait, sir, I'm okay. I'm perfectly fine. I can go back and-"

"No, [L/N]-san. As your boss, it's my duty to ensure that my reporters are in top shape. So please, take a break for now until your wounds have healed," you didn't know what wounds he were referring to, but the sudden jolts of pain surged through your body gained your attention. When you trailed your eyes down your debris ridden body, you saw the many cuts and bruises you revived from the flying glass. Some weren't as deep, but the amount of cuts as well as the deepness was something to worry about.

"If you insist,"

"Good," your boss looked at Miyashi. "Miyashi-kun, please take her home and tend to her wounds,"

"Yes sir," you were about to protest, but for now, the pain was overriding whatever you wanted to do. So you let him do as he pleased.


On the way home, you told Miyashi to drive over to Hayato's daycare so you can pick him early. Once the car stopped in front of the school, you unbuckled your seatbelt to exit the car but Miyashi stopped you.

"[L/N]-chan, let me pick him up. It'll freak out the poor boy when he sees you like this," you glared slightly at him.

"No. The only one allowed to pick him up is me. I'm registered in the school as the only one allowed to pick him up. Plus, my son doesn't know you so if anything, you'd freak him out," you spat back and then left the car without another word.

You smiled when you saw Hayato playing with his friends. Then your grandmother went up to you with a very concerned face.

"Oh my goodness [F/N], what happened to you?" Her widened eyes scanned your state.

"Report gone wrong. I'm heading home early so I just came to pick up Hayato," you informed her. She nodded in understanding and called over Hayato.

Unexpected Matchmakers [Aomine Daiki x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now