Chapter 15

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* Sarah's POV *

"Is there something going on between you two?" Matt asks pointing at me and Carter.

"Why is she here?" Carter asks rudely.

"Hey man she's my best friend if course she's gonna be here." Matt says defending me.

"I was yours to." Carter says under his breath and gets up and walks to the bathroom.

"Carter is in Magcon too?" I ask facing Matt.

"Yea." He says and lays on the bed.

Then he smirks at me.

"What?" I say awkwardly laughing.

"There is only two beds in Carter's, yours, Taylor's, and my room." Matt says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Annnnnddd?" I say.

"You have to share with me duh." Matt says rolling his eyes and throwing his head back on the pillow.

"Uh if you think I'm going to have sex with you again than you Mus- WAIT THE TAYLOR CANIFF?" I screaming at the end.

Matt gets up and looks confused.

"Uh yea?" Matt says weirdly.

"Oh my fucking god I love him!!!!" I say jumping up and down.

"I have his underwear!!!" I scream bc it was true they were limited edition and I didn't care so I pulled my pants down and showed him.

Matt looked at me up in down as if I were crazy.

"Wish uh what are you guys doing." Carter says smirking. Then he like at me again and licks his lips then bites them.

"Nice ass" Carter says smiling.

"Ew gross why are you looking at my ass?" I ask.

"Maybe because you have no pants on?" Carter says laughing. I felt my face getting red and looked down. What a dork I am.

Matt just burts out laughing.

The door opens and there stood the Taylor Caniff.

I ran up and hugged him wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Uh what's going on here? Are you guys having like a threesome or something ?" Taylor says laughing and hugging me back.

"I love you so fuckinh much." I say to Taylor.

"I love you too"Taylor says and puts me down.

I walked back to where my pants were and totally forgot Taylor was here.

"My face looks nice on your ass." Taylor says and I zipped up my jeans.

"Sorry about that I was fangirling." I say blushing.

"I never got your name?" Taylor asks.

"It's Sarah." I say looking down blushing like crazy.

Taylor lifts my chin up and looks at me.

"Sarah Johnson?" Taylor asks.

"Uh yea?" I say awkwardly.

"Dude Carter talks about you non stop. About how your hair is perfect how your face is perfect how everything about you is perfect." Taylor says smiling at me.What I thought Carter hated me.

"Carter is this true?" I say turning towards him.

He looks down embarrassed and he's mad red.

"Maybe." He mumbles.

I turned to look at Matt and his arms are crossed over his chest and has a mad expression.

Carter walks out and I run after him.

Matt attempts to follow me but I told him I'll be fine.

I found Carter on the roof staring at the view.

I quietly sat next to him and stared at the veiw along with him.

"Carter." I say.

"Yea." He says still staring.

"I thought you hated me this whole time?" I say looking at him confuse.

"No. I was jealous of you and Matt. You were always with him and I missed hanging with him and he had you. I liked you but never showed it because I was afraid." Carter says quickly looking at me.

I looked down processing this.

"Well Carter I did had a little crush on you and you could have told me you wanted to hang with Matt more and I would've let you. No problem." I say

"That's not going to happen since Matt seems angry because he liked you for a pretty long time." Carter says looking down again.

"I'm sure he'll understand." I say standing up.

"Hope this wasn't too awkward." Carter says standing up also smiling shyly.

"Friends?" I say holding my hand out.
But Carter pulls me into a hug.

He lifts my chin up and leaned in to kiss me. When his lips met mine I kissed instantly but removed myself quickly when I heard a cough behind us. I looked to find a very outrage Matt.

"Matt I can explain I'm sorry." I say. I don't why I'm saying sorry because I'm pretty sure we aren't dating or anything.

"No it's okay. I don't care. It's now like we date." He says walking back to the elevator on the roof. I grabbed his wrist and he pulls it away.

"What Sarah?" Matt screams at my and I jump a little.

"I'm sorry Matt." I say softly as tears form and run down my cheek silently.

He gets a sorry look but gets mad again and turns away without another word.

What did I do?




Update guys.


Loves xXxX


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