Chapter 12

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The alarm clock rang on the bedside table as it was already 7.30am. Mingyu glanced at the clock before sighing deeply, he had spent the whole night thinking.

He sat up on his bed and closed his eyes for a few seconds before reopening them and headed towards the bathroom to take a fresh morning shower.

Let's just forget about all of this and pretend that everything's fine.. Everything IS fine anyways, everything.

He wore a white button-up shirt (long sleeved) and a dark grey sweater on it, along with some black skinny jeans and white shoes. The male checked out his outfit in the mirror before heading out with his schoolbag.

Once Mingyu opened the door, he was greeted by a familiar person. "Chan?" He questioned before getting pushed back inside the dorm by the said male.

He landed on his ass.

Soonyoung came out from behind the uninvited guest and followed the younger male inside, locking the door.

Mingyu looked up at both of them with his eyebrow raised before getting a sigh from Soonyoung and a nervous grin from Chan.

"What's going on?"

"Boyfriend's orders."

They stood still and watched Mingyu glaring daggers at them, he then stood up slowly and went to sit on his bed. The latter glanced at both of them before sighing, "Why do I feel as if you two are going to be my bodyguards or something?"

"Because we are going to be your bodyguards!" Chan proudly smiled as Soonyoung nodded sternly. Mingyu facepalmed before questioning why.

"Like Soonyoung hyung said, boyfriend's orders!" Chan, once again, smiled widely before getting a pat on the shoulder from the said male.

"You know, you shouldn't smile so much when you are a bodyguard."

"We are not real bodyguards, hyung." We're just following Wonwoo's orders.."

Mingyu watched as Soonyoung whispered some words to the other male before getting a nod in return.

"I need to eat breakfast, you guys. Class is starting soon!"

"Fortunately, Physics is cancelled!" Mingyu pouted before looking at both of them with the pout still on his face.

"Let me just get out and eat at the cafeteria, please?" The male batted his eyelashes while pouting, making Soonyoung coo.

"AWW YOU'RE SO CUTE! ALRIGHT, HYUNG WILL BUY YOU BREAKFAST TODAY!" Soonyoung said as he went over to the seated male and squished his cheeks with a bright smile on his face.

"How about Wonwoo-"

"Mingyu is cuter than him and I'll buy you breakfast too."


The three of them headed down to the cafeteria with Chan fanboying about Soonyoung's dancing and getting a lot of thank yous from the older male. Mingyu just kept quiet as he tried to figure out something.

Wonwoo's orders? Why the hell am I not allowed to get out of the dorm at all. I mean I know it's my boyfriend's orders but.. What is the reason behind it?

As they arrived in front of the cafeteria, Chan noticed something that Mingyu shouldn't see, but he had no chance to stop the male from going in. Oh shit.

When Mingyu looked around inside the cafeteria to search for an empty table, his footsteps stopped as he stood still with shock written on his face. Wonwoo...

"Mingyu? Why did you stop-" Soonyoung was cut off by Mingyu, who let out a shaky breath. I expected this.

Wonwoo, who was found hugging Seungcheol, turned to the direction of the sound and his eyes widened when he saw Mingyu standing with Soonyoung and Chan behind him. He immediately let go of Seungcheol.

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