The second you said "yes"!

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How was I so lucky to have you? I mean really? You shine the brightest of all the stars in the sky. The best to offer. Me well, I was a fool none the less. I let about a couple girls in and out of my life with easy access. The only women that I really cared for my whole life were Gemma and my mum. Until you came along that is.

I hugged my coat closer to my chest as I faced the mid November weather. I never remembered London being so cold. Maybe it was just my heart still being under repair. The last girl really screwed with it. I needed some time to myself after things got a little too much this morning. Away from the guys, from my apartment, away from everything.

I walked down the same sidewalk and felt a cold gust of wind blast in my face. I rarely noticed when I heard a small yelp from my left side. I turned, and noticed a girl about my age sitting on a bench. She had thin reading glasses on, her hair in a messy braid with a grey beanie over it, a book in both her hands,and had a pissed look on her face.

“What the hell?” She said stepping her foot back. “I-I’m sorry miss, I just haven’t been myself lately.” I said sitting down next to her. “Well it’s fine I guess.” She invested her eyes in her book once more, and I let out a small chuckle. “What?” She giggled as well, pushing her glasses closer to her eyes. “You’re cute when you concentrate.” She smiled and then took one of her hands off her book and reached it out to me. “(Y/N).” I grinned,feeling my dimple show. “Harry.”

I stood behind Robin, waiting for my mother to burst through the church doors in the beautiful gown she picked out. It took a long time to plan the wedding, but it was finally happening. I scoped through the church, and found you sitting in the fifth row of pews. You mouthed a quick I love you once the organ started playing. I had a big grin as anyone could tell.

My mom entered the church in her white gown, looking as gorgeous as ever. I looked at Robin, and gave him my award winning smile, and he returned it. She made it down the aisle at a steady pace.

They had the same pace with the vows and the quick words,and soon Robin and my mother were officially man and wife. Everyone clapped and cheered as we made it to the reception.

I finally found you making conversation with Gemma. You both were laughing and smiling ear to ear. You turned and quickly saw me staring happily at the both of you. You excused yourself from Gemma and gave me a tender deserving kiss. I loved your glasses, but the contacts you got three months ago were perfect. I loved seeing those eyes every morning,noon,and night.

“Harry! My books are never going to fit in your shelf!” You giggled. “Well then I’ll buy a new shelf.” You had my plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up covering your torso,your hair still un-brushed but gorgeous, your glasses sexily hanging low on your face.”Well, I could just go back to my apartment and bring my bookshelf. Harry do you really want me living-”

I kissed you to keep you from doubting the move. I didn’t want you further apart from me than you were already with our separate living. So I decided to ask you to move in. And you happily agreed. I couldn’t have been happier.”You wanna do something besides unpacking?” I whispered in your ear. You giggled and then fumbled with the bottom of my shirt.”Well,what did you have in mind?” “I think we both know.”

Eight months. You and me. Never apart, and always together. Yeah we may have had little arguments, but they could never outweigh the love you and I both share. I could never leave you. I’m too in-love with you, and too attached.

“Now, Harry I think it’s time for you to say a few words,” Robin spoke into the microphone. You gave me a small smile, but I kissed your forehead and told you I’d be back as soon as I was done on stage. I made my way around the band equipment, and stood tall on the stage.

“Mum. Robin. I never thought my mother would ever find happiness again. I thought she was too invested on caring for me and Gemma, that she would never realize she needed time to invest in herself. And Robin, you gave her that. I noticed how happier she was. Singing tunes in the morning. Laughing louder than ever. You gave her what I know she never thought she’d have again. Love. And I knew you’d been through the same. Your kids probably felt the same feelings I did. Like you would never love again. And then God did something amazing, and put you two together. I think sometimes it takes a couple speed bumps before you finally make it to your desired destination. I know. I’ve been through a couple girls myself. And I think I’m finally ready to say I’ve fallen in love. Completely. Fully. Invested in one girl the rest of my life. And I hope she thinks the same of me. Thank you mom for teaching me what love really is, and you Robin for giving it to my mom again. Thank you.”

Every one of the guests and the wedding party clapped at my speech, and I smiled as I made my way back to you. “D-Did you really mean w-what-” “Follow me,” I whispered in your ear. You nodded as I took your hand. 

The good thing about this reception area is that there was a garden surrounding it.I led you down the green path,still fumbling with my pocket. Your dress was trailing along the grass, and your hair was in a perfect braid like it was the day we first met.

The lights lining the green bushes were perfect.”Harry what are we doing here?” You laughed. I let go of your hand, and started breathing in and out, facing the whole area in front of us. “What’s going on?” You questioned. I turned to you, and then kissed your full lips. You didn’t kiss back immediately, and then gave in. You whispered words to me that made me laugh. “Harry Styles, we are not having a quickie out here with your mum’s wedding going on five seconds away.”

I got down on one knee,and then your whole demeanor changed. Your smile faded, and your eyes gleamed with happiness and shock. “(Y/N), the past eight months have been perfect. Actually perfect can’t describe it. I love you. I love you more than anyone has loved. To the moon and back. I never thought I could love a girl this much. You know how broken I was when we first met, and I could see you were broken too behind your glasses and beautiful smile, but we both mended. The best part, we mended each other. And I loved and still love you for it. I want you every minute. Every second. Every millisecond of my life left. As mine. As my wife, As the mother of my children. I want you. (Y/N), will you do me the honor, of being my wife?” 

“Yes. Harry I would be honored to be your wife,” You smiled behind the tears cascading on your cheeks. I kissed you again, and it was more than love in that kiss. It was a knowing. A future I knew was completely possible. The second you said yes.

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