Don't judge me

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I’ll never forget the day I was at the grocery store and saw a girl I had reconized at my school. Wearing her plaid skirt with her navy blue polo and her hair curled perfectly. She was much quiet and extremely smart. Her younger brother, also dressed in his school uniform but wore khakis for his trousers, was jumping acting like a younger child. Complaining and frailing his arms around.

"Jacob stop it" His mother repeated but he ingnored her, still jumping annoying his sister by giving her a little shove, but his sister didn’t say or do anything.

"Jacob, I said stop." His mother said more sterninly this time, but once again, Jacob ingnored her still jumping around. Their mother was distressed looking as if she was about to cry and pull out her hair but she couldn’t control her son, she was truly exhausted. The girl in my class noticed this and waited. Finally Jacob stuck his tounge out at his mother when she turned around and I witnessed as the girl from my school grabbed the collar of her brother’s polo, shoved him up agianst the freezer’s door and spoke harshly in a quiet voice,

"Listen here Jacob, mom and I are sick and tired of your bullshit you hear? So if you don’t calm to the fuck down I will make sure you regret even being my brother understand?"

Jacob nodded his head slowly, in shock of what his sister just unlashed on him. His mother stood in shock with him but didn’t say anyhting. Hell, I was even in shock. I had never seen this side of her, only her quiet side, not the side where she would say such profanities to her brother. But the three of them just walked off as if nothing even happened, except the brother stayed still and the mother seemed more happier.

I would also never forget the moment when the “badass” of my school was at the movies one time and I also attented the movie. He was so easily ticked off and usually was a bully. There was a younger child behind him that kept kicking his seat or asking his mummy questions about the movie this whole time. Literally, this kid would never shut up. And I noticed how easily he was getting ticked and how hard he was trying not just turn around and shout at the kid. The movie finally ended and the everyone stood up getting out but the boy from my school just sat there waiting, occasionally messing with his balck dyed hair. I left but saw him in the lounge along with the annoying little boy. The boy kept calling for his mom, obviously lost. The boy from my school went up to him, asked him for his name and soon helped him find his mother and I was shocked. You would think he wouldn’t help him after the way the the little boy treated him but that didn’t seem to bother him.

But I didn’t see either of those people at the party I went to tonight. Along with the other many students that attended, neither of them were there. Even if they did come, I probably wouldn’t make talk with them but just noticed they were not there. But I was at the party, me. I walked to the kitchen, hoping to see one of my friends but only came across to a few boys I had known. I had only talked to one, Harry.

"{y/n}, is that you?" one of the boys said that I think was named Eric.

"Um, yes?" I shyly admitted a bit awkwardly.

"Wow, you are looking quite fit." Eric added having his friends nod in agreement eccept for Harry. I could tell Eric and his friends were drunk, possibly not Harry, but then again I wasn’t sure.

"Erm, thank you." I added just about to turn around.

"Wait, {y/n} don’t you want a drink?" Eric pointed to the keg of beer.

"Um, I’m find with water, thanks."

"Oh come on, just one drink?" One of Eric’s friend tried to egg me on.

"No really, I’m fine." I nodded attempting to leave the room for what seemed to be the a millionth time.

"I promise you’ll have fun, I’ll make sure you have fun." Eric winked and I rolled my eyes at him absoulty disgusted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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