When at McDonalds

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I look down at my three old son and smile and he smiles back showing off  his dimples. I lean down and kiss his forhead, “wanna go and eat now?” I ask softly and he nods, “yeah!” he says happily and I laugh. I take his hand as we start our walk down the street. We reached our favourite place to eat that was a fair walking distance from our flat. I go up to the counter and order our food then take a seat in a booth near a group of people who looked around my age, maybe older. After awhile of waiting our food is served and we begin eating. “pee” Landon says with his ‘I need to go now’ face as he hed himself. I quickly picked him up from his seat and ran into the lady’s loo. I let him use it first before I did. When I was done I washed our hands and quickly fixed my makeup. Just when I almost reached my table I was stopped by an all too familiar voice, his voice. At that moment I heard his voice everything came back to me. 

I was shaking and trembling, crying. I was scared, but happy as well. I looked up to the pregnancy test, it showed a little ‘+’ sign claiming I was pregnant. The only that scared me was how would Harry react to this? Would he be happy as well? Or would he leave? Would he want to abort it? I was only sixteen and he was seventeen. We still had our whole lives ahead of us, but I still wished for the first thought that came to mind, that he would stay and be happy and raise this child with me. I dropped the test when I heard a knock at the front door, I slowly walked over to it and opened it. “(y/n)” Harry smiles stepping in, but the smile fades when he sees that I’m crying. He knew what was up, “positive?” he asked and I nodded. He ran his hand through his mop of curls. I felt so nervous and scared to hear what would be his next words. “We’re getting rid of it right?’ he asks, I look up at him in horror. His facial expression changes from tense to ‘are you fucking stupid?’. “You can’t be serious..” he mumbles looking me straight in the eye. “We’re both still young, we still have many years ahead of us for this shit, Jesus fucking Christ (y/n)” he says walking right past me and steps into the living room. “i’m not going to do this, I still have my dreams and you have yours,” he explains, “and what if this is my dream?” I asked, he looked so angry. “then your gonna be lving it alone..” he says in a low tone. “Maybe I will!” I say angrily. “Your gonna choose that baby over me? We’ve been together for two years, you’ve only known this thing for not even a day!” he shouts. “I’m not gonna go through the guilt of taking a life away! You never know he or she might be able to do when they grow older, but I know one thing for sure, they won’t be like you” I say seeing how it hurt him  made me feel bad and guilty, but I pushed that feeling aside. “Get out and don’t come back” I say, he was about to say something, but shut his mouth and left the house sad. After that I’ haven’t heard from him or seen him. 

“(y/n),” he repeats again. I slwoly turn around to face Harry who looked so much taller and grown. Two yeards had done alot for him. “hey” he smiles, but I do nothing. I hide Landon behind me. “wha-” he starts, but is cut off from a little boys voice, my little boys laugh. His facesuddenly turned pale and he looked so shocked. “Mama, I’m hungry” he says, “still?” I ask and he nods, “we cango home and have a snack, I don’t want you to be tired before bed time” I say and he nods. I take his hand in hime and start to walk away when Harry stops us again. “You kept him?” he asks, “that’s why we broke up..” I say awkwardly, his eyes were filled with sorrow and sadness. “But  I’m glad you made it, you chased your dreams and got them. I’m happy for you Hazz” I say truthfully. “T-thanks” he sttuters. “Now if you excuse me, I would love to take my son home..” I say pulling y arm out of his loose grip. “Wait, don’t go.” he says Stopping us yet again, “What now Harry? don’t even try beg or ask about him or to be in his life. He grew up three years without you and you carried on three years without him. Meeting him once shouldn’t make you suddenly just want to his life..” I trail off, but Harry cuts me off. “The day you found out you were pregnant was the day you fell in love with the baby, I never understood that feeling untilnow. Please,” he negs, but I refuse. “You made that choice and I made this one, there’s no changin my mind once it’s made up. Your three years late, I will not let you just enter his life nor mine. Goodbye” I say and leave. I smiled to my son and kissed his cheek as we walked home. 

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