Fucking special

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He walked through the hallway with his head down, as always. He tried to avoid the bullies, as always.

He was afraid, as always. He didn’t want to be like that, but he couldn’t change the way he was. The way he felt all the time, every day of his life. 
Apart from feeling like a coward, he felt unloved. His parents neither his sister loved him; they didn’t even appreciate him and, although they pretended very well, he would notice it. 

He would often asked himself why would they love him. He didn’t deserve to be loved and his family didn’t have the obligation. Besides, he was a creep. No one would ever love him. He was going to live forever like that. His personal hell. His lonely agony.

Only one person could save him from his agony.


He only wanted her. He had been in love with that girl since freshman, but he had never got the guts to talk to her. Not even after all that time.
She was in almost all his classes and she participated a lot. She would raise her hand to ask or to answer; always so full of life and curious. He was in love with everything of her.

Her pale and smooth skin. Her long and shiny hair. Her graceful nose and plump lips. Her lips… And her eyes, God, her eyes. Her image would give him the peace he needed, at least for some minutes.

The bell rang and he snapped out of his thoughts, looking up to find his classroom. He had Literature. With her.

Luckily, the hallway was almost empty and that meant he had avoided the bullies successfully. 
With his head hung low, again, he was reaching for the doorknob of the classroom when another tiny hand took it. Her hand. His breath was caught in his throat when he looked up for a milisecond and saw her bright face. As always, she was wearing no make up; just her beautiful face. His hair in a messy bun and some silky locks were hanging gracefully. 

He ducked his head before noticing her kind smile.

"Are you in this class?", she asked politely. Her voice was soft as her skin and hair and lips and he was about to cry.

She was so out of his league. 

"Uh-um… Y-yeah, I…" He choked out and he felt tears pooling in the corner of his eyes. His head still down.

She chuckled a little. “Really? I haven’t seen you before.”

Of course she hadn’t seen him before. He was the creepy guy who didn’t have friends.

"We should get in", he stated, angry with himself for hoping she would have known him. He looked up again and found her eyes staring at him.

"You alright?", she asked as softly as the first time. He nodded quickly, wanting to end that fucking conversation. "Ok, if you say so… Nice eyes, by the way", she smiled for the last time and opened the door.

His heart was beating wildly; his usual frown covered with perspiration. He had been so nervous that he couldn’t appreciate the moment.
She talked to him. She. To him. 

He directed his eyes at the ceiling, trying to fight tears of frustration. Then, he entered the classroom.


He was walking to his rusty and utterly obnoxious car, just thinking about his future. He wanted to escape from that hell hole called school. He wanted to leave so badly it almost hurt. He had planned it all: he was going to put some clothes and the basic things in a bag and leave home, just walking and taking buses. He was going to be himself somewhere else where he wouldn’t be treated like a no one, like a piece of shit. Like a creep. He wa-

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