Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

The chauffeur piked Joy up at the school and dropped her off of the mansion that her aunt and uncle lived in. After her parents were coming back from there three year trip she would be back at her old school, which looked like heaven compared to Preston private high school today.

Joy walked into her room and started her additional science homework. She was about half way done with it when her maid came in and announced.

"Miss there are two gentlemen waiting outside for you."

She waved for them to come in, but when they came she was regretting her decision.

"What are you two doing here?!" 

"Came to see you Milady" said Reno 


"To cheer you up and say we're sorry" said Edward with a hurtful look on his face. 

"That cannot be the only reason you're here."  

"No, that is really the reason why we are here." 

"Why are they cooperating with each other?" thought Joy as she questioned the boys motives.

The day after the incident with Tyler, Reno was sulking in the hallway.

"Reno have you seen Tyler?" asked Joshua  

"No he went home." 

"Oh, well Edward wants you to come and see him." 

"What does Moss eyes want?" 

"I don't know he didn't say." 

"He told you something spit it out now, before I knock your brains out!" yelled Reno as he slammed Joshua into the wall.  

"He only told me to make sure Tyler wasn't around that is it I swear!" gasped Joshua as Reno let up from his grip. 

Reno stormed into Edward office, he slammed opened the door. Reno was in no mood for a long chat with Mr. Moss eyes he wanted to be alone for a while. Tyler hadn't said a word about the incident which worried both Edward and Reno.

"What do you want Moss-eyes?" 

"I need your help, I regret to say" 

"What for?" 

"To help get Tyler and Joy get together" 

"Are you crazy! Tyler is already betrothed and Joy must despise him after what happened yesterday." 

"If we get those two together we wouldn't have to deal with Kathy anymore." 

"You mean you don't have to be a puppy dog to her anymore. And don't tell me you don't like it." 

"Shut up that is what Tyler wants me to be to her and-you're wrong I don't like it! She is a drag you have to admit." 

"Okay I get it so your best friend is also your master." 

"I have a plan, so are you willing to help?" 

"Wait I thought that you liked Joy" 

"I do just not the way that you're thinking of, plus wouldn't it be nice if Tyler was kind for once." 

"I admit it would be nice but" 

"No buts about it, are you in or not?" 


Back at the mansion Jane was delivering Joy's homework while she saw a car parked outside. When she came in she saw Reno and Edward talking to Joy.

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