Chapter 4

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Joy rushed out of the hallway it didn't take long to figure out that Edward lied to her. Her thoughts became violent towards Edward.

"I'm gonna kill him the next time I see him! How could he do this to me?! Wait what am I saying I know how he's a manipulative jerk! He is so-" Joy thoughts stopped as she spotted Edward.

Edward was backing up as Joy was furiously backing him into a corner.

"Why hello princess" 

"You did that one purpose, didn't you?!" 

"Did wh-" 

"Tyler! You sent me to Tyler's locker instead of yours! Why!" 

"Princess calm down you need to make up with Tyler anyway so I was just helping." 

"What do you mean I need to reconcile with him?!" 

"Well someone got to do it" 

"Then why not him?!" 

"Because he has to much pride. And would you stop shouting! I can hear you just fine why do you always have to shout?" 

"Because ever since I came to this school I've been humiliated beyond belief, injured, frustrated and scared. So yelling helps me vent it out!" 

"I know most of it is because of Tyler but, think about how humiliating it would be when he accepts your apology." 

"What assurance do you have that he would accept?" 

"Oh believe me once you flash that adorable smile and and look at him with those stunning brown eyes. And tilt your head so that your bangs are just a little bit in you face. Believe me he would jump off a cliff if you told him to." 

Joy stared at Edward for a moment absorbing what he said, then she smiled tilted her head and look at him with her stunning brown eyes.  

"Will you at least come with me?" 

"Um...well I have I mean you really....don't expect me....would you quit doing...okay fine I give in!" 

"Yay it really worked!" 

"Shut up! I never should have told you that." 

"Your illegal weapons didn't work this time." 

"Would you stop calling my speech illegal weapons, you're going to leave people with wrong idea about me I'm just persuasive that's all." 

"Lets just go to your fearless commander to see if he crumbles just like you did."

Joy walked proudly down the Preston's gang hallway with Edward.

"Where would he be anyway?" asked Joy 

"At his office where else?" 

"Oh of course, wait he has an office?" 


"Wait how did he get an office?" 

"How is that even a question. His father is the Chairmen of the school Bored" 

"Does his father even know what Tyler is doing in his name?" 

"I doubt it, Tyler leads a very sheltered life from his family" 

"So where is the office?" 

"Tyler's office is two doors down on the left." 

Joy stopped at the door it was just a regular old classroom door, his name wasn't painted on the door in gold or anything. It had been beaten up a couple of time, probably because he got locked out and had to kick the door down. She grabbed the doorknob and to her amazement it was unlocked.

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