I just want to be good at something. I see all of my friends.
They sing, dance, act, cheer, play instruments..etc.
Sure I'm alright at writing poetry, but I don't see that
as a talent. Sure it helps people and it helps me.
I cant put it into words except..
I just want to be good at something..
I want to be proud of myself for something..
I just want others to be proud of me..
Sure, I haven't self harmed since oct. 26th.
And yeah I'm proud..but..It's not enough for me..
Believe me I hate myself for not thinking I'm good at anything..
I just feel hopeless and I sometimes feel like
what I feel isn't allowed to be felt..
I apologize for my existence..
I don't know my self worth
I feel stupid for feeling the way I do.
Just because..I have no right to feel
this way..Sure my dad passed away
But so many others have it worse than I do..
I have no right to hurt emotionally and hurt myself physically..
I have no right to anything..
to being alive even..
Sense of Exile
Poetry'Exile refers to the state of being barred from one's native country. It represents a profound sense of loss and separation, impacting identity and belonging.' I hope you feel less alone here.