Chapter 6: The Argument.

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                                I nodded no and said "we can but it wouldn't do anything." "What do you mean wouldn't ?" He said in confusion. "Well, because if we did, it would be a pointless chat. I mean we could discuss everything we know but it wouldn't change the fact that we have no clue what actually is going on here." I answered. I looked at him waiting to reply but he just sat there , I guess trying to figure out his next word. "Sonic, too much has happened today that makes no sense, to me at least. I feel like you are trying to hide something from me. I'm your best friend, and I would like to know." It took me a minute to realize what I just said. Sonic looked at me and then said "What happened? Most of the day has been a blur."            I started to get ticked off, I walked over to him and I said " What happened, what happened, how could you not know, how could you not remember what happen. How could you not remember that we ran from Eggman." I was starting to yell. "How could you not remember when went down a unmark route, how could you not remember that you found the door to the castle that was right behind the WATERFALL!" Sonic looked surprised, I've never yell like this unless I was fighting something evil. It was also the first time I yelled at Sonic, I took a deep breath and try to calm down.        I then said " How could you not even remember fainting on me, how, just how." I looked at him waiting for his answer but all Sonic did was just sit there and he decided to stare at the floor. I stood up and said " If you can't remember that then I can't be your friend." And right after that I ran out of the dining hall , running as fast as I can.  As I ran my vision started to become blurry, I stopped to see why, I felt water, I was crying , No I am crying. I fell to the floor and started to sob, it was the first time I ever got into a fight with Sonic.         I didn't move for five minutes, I didn't want to move, I wanted to go back home, I wanted to be with my family. Even though I knew I couldn't leave Sonic, I cant blame him for not knowing why he is the guest of honor, but how could he not remember all that has happened today. I looked at the ground , more like I stared at it for a long time , it felt like long time , I wasn't for sure how long. Though I knew it was awhile because I heard very light foot steps.     I didn't look up but before I knew it , somebody laid a hand on me. "Tails, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I know so much has happened, I should of remember but really everything that has happened today seemed like a dream." I knew that voice. I looked up , Sonic's hand was on my shoulder. He saw my face and smiled. His eyes were red, not the red that I saw before , they were red as in from crying. Sonic sat down next to me and he started to sob, I never seen Sonic cry ever. No matter how hard its been , he would never cry.               I put my arms around him and hugged him. "Sonic, Tails, there you are." I looked up , Alana was running towards us. Sonic rubbed his eyes as soon as Alana stood in front of us and then she said " I could leave you two both alone if you like." I let go of Sonic and well try to stand up and said " No, no we're not like that." "Ok, then, anyways your food is getting cold." Sonic got up and said " We are no longer hungry, sorry to make you go through all that trouble." I looked at Sonic, and smiled, I didn't care what happened anymore I just wanted Sonic to be my best friend forever.  

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