Dont EVER Touch My SourPatch Kids

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I am literally the most pissed human right now.

  I've been on a killing streak and managed to kill every police officer that came my way until one of the players; stupid XDangeRanger0723xxX killed me.

   Usually I don't play GTA5 at 3:00am but I couldn't sleep, so what better than a bloody violent game to droop your eyelids eh?

    My dad comes home tomorrow afternoon and I just cannot wait. I miss him a lot and this house needs him because my brothers don't care when he's not here. They don't do the things they know they should be doing. Like today,they made me get my own way home...they didn't even call to make sure I was alright and they don't clean at all! I had to do all their chores and this house is huge.

   My dad says its way to many of us to maintain this house to get a house keeper. He says to maintain your mess and everything should be taken care of,but of course teenage boys don't listen and I am not the neatest person in the world but Id rather not live in a shit hole.
I hadn't even noticed that I had gotten sleepy because of my stupid thought train. I turned off my game and just laid on the couch because I was to lazy to get up and go all the way upstairs.

    "Wakey wakey!" Screams a very annoying voice. I groan and roll over just to meet face to floor.

   All of a sudden I hear bursts of numerous sleepy laughter's.
I then knew that it was my stupid siblings.

   Face still on the carpeted floor I yell,"Shut the fuck up!", desperately.

    "I will not, thank you very much." I hear Giounni say calmly and I feel hands around my waist lifting me off the floor and back onto the couch.
I grumble and mumble a thanks.

   "Get ready, you'll be late dofuss." Jonathan says casually.

   "Late? What time is it?" I say urgently.

     "Its only 6:45 but you know how long it takes you to get ready." Carlos chimes in. I roll my eyes and stand up.

    "Whatever." I say before walking to my room.
I hop in the shower and wash my hair and body. When done I brush my teeth and go into my room.

    I go into my closet and look for something to wear so I settle for a Doctor Who T-shirt which is blue and some ripped black jeans with my blue and black Jordan's.

    I also wear a beanie because like seriously I don't feel in the mood to do my hair plus I want time to eat.

   I go to the mirror and nod satisfied with my laziness.

    I leave my bedroom on my way to the stairs and trip over something which sends me flying towards my death. I hit my head on the banister and proceed to flying down the stairs.

    When I say I was in pain...that's an understatement.

   "What the fuck was that?!?" I hear one of my brothers say from the kitchen. I hear them all running towards me but its  ruffled and static sounds considering I hit my head on the right side right next to my ear.

    "Oh shit! Drew? Are you okay?!?" I hear someone say as I lay on the ground curled in a ball with my head cupped in my hands.

   I try to respond but everything seems all fuzzy and weird.

     I feel somebody pick me up and sit me on the couch. I also feel someone stroking my hair and mumbling its okay.

    I didn't notice I was bleeding until someone dabbed a cold towel on my ear and I didn't know I was crying until someone was wiping my tears away.

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