Stop Kissing Me!

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"You realize I'm the one who bought the skittles right?" He states the obvious. I roll my eyes.
"Last time I checked, you said it was a gift." I say.
"So! I still want some." He says.
"Well you should have thought about that before you chose the word gift, don't cha think?" I say obnoxiously.
He then scoffs and reaches for the bag. I quickly pull away.
"Ah, ah, ah...bad boy." I say wiggling my finger disapprovingly.
"Normally I'd be turned on by that...but now I just want my damn skittles." He says and gets up. I scoot further on my bed while still eating them. He starts to growl in anger and I get a bit scared but still tease him by smirking and dangling the skittles from my index finger and thumb. He reaches for them once more and I swiftly move out of the way.
"Nope." I say popping the 'p' with my lips harder than usual. He groans and lifts his head up so that's he's looking at my ceiling.
"I don't like you." He states and sits back down in his previous seat.
"The feelings mutual bud...but I like your gifts." I say with a grin. He looks at me and frowns.
"Your evil." He says.
"I like to call myself a professional asshole." I correct.
He looks at me funny then pulls out a pack of sour patches from his pocket. I look at him with anger.
"You mean to tell me that your fighting with me for MY skittles and you already have sour patch kids?" I ask angrily.
He looks at me with a blank expression.
"They are completely different candies, fit for completely different moods." He says very seriously.
I shake my head and proceed to eating my skittles.
"Yah know... I did show you your room earlier right?" I ask. He nods.
"Then...why the hell are you in mine?" I ask. He shrugs. I groan.
"Can you like, leave?" I ask. He shakes his head no and I frown.
"Whyyyyy?" I whine.
"Because, I enjoy bothering you...I thought we already went over this." He says. I roll my eyes.
"Whatever." I say. Then I widen my eyes.
"Your in my room." I state.
"Yeaaaah." He agrees.
"With the door closed." I say.
"Mhmmmmm." He again agrees.
"And my brothers don't care?" I ask myself in disbelief. Jacob shrugs.
"Hey...I'm going to try something okay?" I say to Jacob. He raises his eyebrows at me with a weird expression.
I stand up on my bed and start to rock back and forth as though I'm surfing. Jacob then looks at me like I'm crazy.
The reason I do this is because my bed makes a squeaking sound that sounds like someone is having sex. I notice that the bed itself isn't getting my brothers attention so I look at Jacob and debate whether or not I'm going to say what I want to say.
I shrug, what the heck!
"Can you groan like really loud? Or moan either will do." I say. Jacob looks at me incredulously.
"What?" He asks shocked.
"Moan!" I yell.
He then smirks.
"You'll have to work for that." He says with a wink. I roll my eyes.
"Fine, I'll do it myself." I say while still rocking back and forth.
Jacob looks at me in amusement. I decide on a groan.
I groan really loud and Jacob starts to laugh quietly once he hears my brothers say what the hell. I groan once again and I hear foot steps.
That's when I then start to jump and moan rapidly for special climax affect. Jacob holds back his laughs and seconds later all four of my brothers bust in my door while I'm jumping and moaning.
I stop and look at Jacob.
"And that is the gorilla mating call." I say. Jacob then bursts into fits of laughter and so do I when I see my brother's faces.
They look so confused.
"What the hell Drew?!?" Johnathan exclaims. I stay there laughing my guts out.
So does Jacob. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Drew!" Julio yells. I still can't respond.
I hold my stomach trying to stop but I can't.
"Oh God! Help me!" I say wincing in pain.
"Y-you should have seen your faces!" Jacob exclaims through laughs.
"Oh my God! Jacob stop I'm gonna pee!" I say while laughing. He then starts to laugh even harder.
"Shut up! I'm dying!" He says. I then fall on my bed laughing as Jacob falls on the floor.
My brothers all start to groan and leave.
"Wait! Wait!" I say through laughs.
They all stop and look back at me.
I groan loudly again mocking myself from earlier. And laugh harder and so does Jacob my brothers leave out closing the door annoyed and me and Jacob sit and laugh for a good 15 minutes before getting ourselves together.
"That was the best laugh I ever had in my life." He says.
I sigh. "Me too." I agree.
"Well, I'm goodnight." He says.
"Goodnight." I say. He leaves and I get under my covers. I click off my lamp and fall to slumber.
"Wakey wakey lemon shakey!" I hear a voice whisper in my ear.
I jump up to see a shirtless Jacob.
I widen my eyes and look up at him to see him sleepily smirking.
He looks freaking gorgeous!
His messy hair and swollen pink lips...oh my god Drew shut your face!
"Like what ya see?" He asks cockily. Sleepy me shrugs but mental me pace palms. What the hell Drew?!? I mentally say to myself.
Jacob chuckles and leaves out the room.
I yawn and stretch.
"Idiot." I whisper to myself.
I then realize that my alarm hadn't gone off so I look at my phone to see its only fucking 5:30! I groan very loudly.
I storm into Jacobs room only to catch him in his towel. I cover my eyes swiftly and I hear him chuckle.
"If you would have came in hear a second later,you would have saw me naked." He says.
"Yeah...I can see that." I say.
"Is it safe?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says. I open my eyes to see him in his boxers and I quickly look up to his ceiling.
"Why am I up so early?" I ask.
"Are you talking to me or the man upstairs?" He asks.
I furrow my eyebrows then look down at him to see that he has pants now. I sigh.
"You." I say.
"Oh,well then because I have to go to practice, so if you want a ride you should get ready." He says. I groan.
"I could get a ride from my brothers." I say.
"That's unnecessary." He says. I frown.
"Fine,I'll be ready in 30 minutes." I say.
"Chop chop!" He says. I roll my eyes at him and leave.
I go to my room and lock the door. I take a quick shower and when I get out I brush my teeth. With my towel wrapped around my body I look in my closet for something to wear. I settle on a white off the shoulder sweater and some black skinny jeans with some black converse boots. My boots have a red shoe string so I wear a red under shirt. I blow dry my wet hair and put it in a messy bun. I put on my wrist bands and spray some Sweet Pea Bath&Body works body spray on.
I put on some mascara and rub my eos lip balm on...its blueberry flavor and to be honest I eat my lip balm while its on my lips so I keep it in my pocket just in case I lick it all off again.
I grab my bag and my left over banana chips and head down stairs.
I look at my phone to see that its already 6:00 am my dad and brothers are awake. Jacob and my dad are sitting at the island talking while my brothers are lined by the fridge. I sit my bag on the floor and my chips on the counter. I get on my little 3 step latter and get my nutella from off the top shelf which my family likes to put there to be funny. I hear my dad chuckle and I glare at him.
"Really was you this time?" I ask in disbelief. I chuckles and puts his hands up to defend himself.
"I'm sorry but its hilarious." He says.
"My vertical challenges should not amuse you!" I exclaim and then the whole kitchen breaks in laughter. I groan and grab a zip lock bag. I put some banana chips in it and zip it up.
I put my nutella and zip locked chips in my bag and looked at Jacob.
"Are you ready?" I asked annoyed that I was being laughed at. I fucking hate being laughed at.
"What time is it?" He asks.
"6:08." I say. He stands up quickly.
"Crap! I'm gonna be late." He says.
"Bye dad. Bye egg heads." I say. They all say bye.
"Bye Mr.Gonzalez. Bye guys." Jacob says. They all say bye to him as well.
We head out the door and into his car.
We pull off and he turns on the radio.
Yo man on the road he doin promo! You said keep our business on the low low! I'm just tryna get you out the friend zone! Cuz you look even better than the photo! I can't find your house send me the info driving through the gated residential!
The hills by the weeknd plays. I hear Jacob singing along and I chuckle. He turns to look at me then belts out,
"Your not going to drop me off at the school?" I ask.
"Nope, cuz your coming to practice with me. I have to judge a few try outs and your going to help." He states. I groan.
"Why must you drag me in your shit?" I ask.
He scoffs.
"How?" He asks bewildered.
"All I wanted was a ride to school! Now I'm stuck watching amateur football players try out!" I exclaim. He scoffs again.
"Oh come on! Look,if you don't want to help, walk your little snappy petite ass back to the school and irritate those people." He says pointing in the direction of the school. I roll my eyes and get out of the car.
I throw my bag over my shoulder and start to stomp off in the direction to the school. I hear Jacobs car door slam and him groan.
"Get back here!" He yells after me. I ignore him and keep walking. Stomping, actually.
"W-why are you always so angry?!" He asks genuinely confused.
I stop and walk backwards. I hear him suck I'm his breathe. I turn around and look him dead in the eyes.
"Because I don't fucking like you! That's why!" I exclaim. He looks a little hurt by my statement but I can't care less. I start to walk away and he pulls my wrist.
I get shocked by the strength he put in the pull that I didn't even realize I was clutching his chest until I opened my eyes.
"What the.." I was cut off by lips pressing against my own. I stayed there frozen in my spot with my eyes wide open.
When he finally pulled away I slapped him as hard as I could. He stumbled back and looked at me in shock.
"Stop kissing me!" I exclaim in frustration.
"What the hell Drew?! Every fucking time!" He yells. I look at him incredulously.
"You fucking idiot! That should tell to stop putting your fucking lips on me!" I scream. I look around and notice that the rest of the football field are now looking at us.
"When every other girl yells at me I kiss them, and everything's okay...with you nothing makes you feel better! All you do is fucking yell!" He exclaims.
"If it hasn't came to your mind that I'm not like all these fucking sluts at this school yet then I just don't know when it will." I say quieter than I've been all day.
"What do you want me to do? I mean we live together now...and you still hate me." He says.
"How about you just keep your distance from me. Everything was fine until I met you. Just leave me alone and I won't be mad all the time." I say. He looks at me in the eyes and then shakes his head.
"It doesn't work like that." He says and walks away. I frown at his departing figure and turn around proceeding to walk to the school.
God, I hate him.
A/N - Im making this on a phone so I can't put a cast up just yet so I've decided to just tell you here.
Janel Parrish-Drew Gonzalez
Dylan O'brien- Jacob Evans-Harper
Sierra McCormick-Symone Delta
Ross Lynch-Sam Thomas
Keith Powers- James Austin
That is all so far!
Hope u enjoyed!

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