chapter 5

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The next morning eren awoke to a loud banging on his door. "Yeah yeah hold your horses I'll be at the door soon" eren said sleepily while getting out of bed to answer the door. " how can I hel- oh it's just you Armin, well come in I guess" he said while letting Armin in. "So why are you here this early in the morning armin?" "It's already 11:30 and I have something to tell you" Armin replied while noticing eren was in nothing but boxers 'calm down armin, you've seen him in his boxers many times' he thought. "And you couldn't have told me over the phone instead of waking me up?" Eren replied while making a bowl of cereal with a cup of coffee " no because.......I got accepted into rose university " Armin said gleefully, taking a seat next to eren on the couch. " oh good for yo- HOLY SHIT DID YOU JUST SAY ROSE UNIVERSITY AS IN THE VERY ROSE UNIVERSITY THAT ONLY ACCEPTS THE BEST OF THE BEST?" Eren said when he dropped his bowl cereal. "Yeah that school but the thing is...." Armin started "is?" Eren asked " is that I would have to move into the dorms there and we can't see family or friends until the summer so I'm really debating whether I should go or not" Armin looked down. Eren gripped armin's shoulders tightly "listen to me Armin this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and if you don't take it now I won't call you my best friend ever again" "o-okay but we should ask for mikasa's opinion too" Armin suggested while blushing from how close eren was to him " yeah good idea, I'll be right back" eren said, getting up to go put clothes on

~5 minutes later~

Armin and eren were sitting across from mikasa about to explain to her what Armin just told eren "so what do you need to tell me?" She asked. Armin told mikasa everything and almost immediately got a reply from her "go" she said with a straight face ' sorry Armin I love you but once you're gone that means I could spend more time with eren' mikasa thought in her head "but don't you think I should stay here with you guys" Armin asked " no this school will be good for you and as eren said this is a once in a life time opportunity" she replied. "I guess you're right, so I guess I should start packing soon" Armin said a little depressed that his friends were encouraging him to leave "do you need some help?" Eren asked "no" Armin automatically declined "oh okay, well we'll be going now mikasa" eren said leaving with Armin following behind. Once they went into the hallway Armin noticed a man waiting in front of eren's apartment "eren who's tha-" Armin was cut off as eren said in shock "Levi why are you in front of my apartment?" " no reason just wanted to ask what all the noise was earlier but you weren't answering so i waited and now I know the reason, you had your boyfriend over" Levi said leaving "piece of advice for you kid ' don't make moves on someone else when you're already in a relationship' damn brat" he added when entered his own apartment " eren what did he mean by 'make moves on some else'?" Armin asked confused. "N-nothing Armin you shouldn't be worried over that and shouldn't you be packing?" Eren replied blushing when blushing from recalling last night's events.

I'm back
I am soooooo sorry for not updating, it's because I've started high school and I have a bunch of homework and because of this I've been losing followers on Instagram because I've inactive (my Instagram is white._.angel._.levy if you're wondering)
Authors note

It seems mikasa likes eren but doesn't know he's gay (hell he doesn't know himself) and my sweet little coconut head is leaving for university wahhh they grow up so fast. I'll leave it up to you guys to decide if Levi was jealous when eren was with armin or not
I honestly don't know when I'll be able to update next

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