chapter 8

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       I open my eyes and the first thing i see is the tree i fell asleep under. 'Was i asleep this whole time? Was it all just a dream?'
I think looking to my right to find mikasa reading. She notices i'm awake and puts down her book
''have good sleep?''
"Uh yeah but is armin ok?''
I asked worried.
"Yeah? Why wouldn't he be?''
Mikasa asked.
"Ah nothing''
'so it was all just a dream, everything........including the kiss'
i frown and mikasa looks worried
'' hey you've been asleep for two hours let's head back to the apartment''
''ok'' is all i say before standing up
'' wait there's somewhere i need to go first'' i say while walking the opposite way of the apartment
''ok tell him i say hi'' mikasa say's in the distance
'seems like she knows where i'm going' i think

~15 minutes later~

I arrived at armin's apartment and knocked three times before he answered
''oh hey-'' he starts but i cut him off by hugging him tightly and start crying ''please....please don't die so soon.....i need you, you're my best friend.....i don't know what i'd do without you..'' is all could say before armin could interrupt me
'' what are you talking about? I won't being dying for a long time.''
He hugs me back for a second before letting go.
"Why don't you come inside for sec to have a cup of coffee and tell me what you're talking about''
''ok'' i say with my head hung low while following him inside. I sit down and minutes later he brings out two cups of coffee
''here'' he places the cup infront of me
''thanks'' i mutter
"Now why don't you tell me what you were going on about earlier?'' He says taking a seat straight across from me
"Ok well.....'' i continued to tell him the whole dream excluding the part about levi and I
'"Hm i can understand why you feel that way now but just remember it was all just a dream'' he reassures me
"Yeah i guess you're right, well i should Probably go now''
"Wait since you're here why don't you just stay the night?'' He suggested
"Sure why not, just let me call mikasa and tell her i won't be needing breakfast tomor- wait nevermind that was also part of my dream, mikasa making every meal for me so i wouldn't starve myself to death..hahaha...i'm pathetic Aren't i...acting like this cause of a dream. I'll Probably just head back to my apartment tonight i need to be alone right now...sorry'' is all i say before walking out of his apartment not listening to a word he said.


Oops? Late chapter. I'll try updating more often. School has started and ughhh. But hope you all like this chapter even though it isn't the best

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