Chapter 7

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Prepare for some steamy makeout scenes in this chapter and possibly more. Prepare for spoilers if you don't read the manga. Also prepare some tissues

Previously:When we arrived to our floor i was surprised to find levi standing in front of my door. "Do you need something?" I ask and he start's to step forward. "Yes i do and if you don't mind Mikasa can we talk in privacy?" "Yeah i don't mind, well good night." "Good night" we reply at the same time. " so what did you need to talk about?" I ask when suddenly...............

......suddenly levi grab my shirt collar and pulled my head down. His hot lips were pressed against mine and for some reason i couldn't resist this weird pleasure coming from him. his lips were hot but it didn't burn, it was like a hot summer day. Unconsciously i licked his bottom lip asking for entrance. He granted it and our little makeout got a whole lot steamier. this continued for about 5 minutes before i needed to take a breathe. We were about to continue again but my phone interrupted us. It was the hospital, confused but curious i answered the phone.
"Hello is this eren jaeger?'' A female voice answers.
"Yes it is, why are you calling?''
"It's about a man named armin arlert, are you a relative of his?'' She asks
"Yes? I guess you can say that, why?'' I ask worriedly
"Mr.arlert was in a car accident and suffered many 3rd degree burns, we need you to come to the hospital immediately''
"Wait are you saying armin is injured and might not make it?''
"Ok i'll be there in a few, what room is he in?''
"Room 206''
"Ok thank you''
I hang up the phone quickly and run to mikasa's room. Levi follows behind me asking questions.
"Wait eren what happened.?''
"Armin was in a car accident and has many 3rd degree burns so we need to get to the hospital asap'' i explain as we enter mikasa's room
"Mikasa get your shoes on we need to get to the hospital fast''
"Why?'' Is the only thing i hear before running down the hall. I call a cab as i enter the elevator.
' come on can't this elevator go any quicker' i think inpatiently.
The cab is waiting down stairs and i see levi and mikasa exit the stairs. It looks like levi has explained what happened to armin. Mikasa has a gloomy shadow over her eyes. I haven't seen that look on her face since 12 years ago when her parents were....murdered. they rush into the cab with me and we tell the driver to get to the hospital quickly. We reach our destination within minutes and we head to room 206. All we see is a man with bandages all around his body. I could tell is was armin by the blond hair sticking out. Mikasa is crying in levi's arms while i feel my knees getting weak. I can tell his heartbeat us barely there because of the monitor and he can't breathe without the help of a machine. I fall to my knees trying not to cry. A women about 25 with shoulder lenght orange hair walks in.
"Are you mr.jaeger?''
"....yes... is he alright?''
"Well as you can probably tell he needs help breathing and he barely has a heartbeat but he is fine at the moment''
"Thank god'' i sigh in relief
"If you could, would you all mind waiting in the waiting room?''
"Sure thing ms....''
"Pet-'' she starts but levi cuts her off
"Petra ral'' he finishes
"You two know each other?'' I ask
They look at each other before answering
"Yeah i guess you could say that'' levi answers
'Weird' i think
We wait in the waiting room but shortly after i hear a loud beeping coming from armin's room. A group of doctors and nurses rush in. Mikasa has to hold me back from entering the room. 20 minutes later petra walks out with a sad face.
"I'm so sorry but mr.arlert didn't make it his heart couldn't take it anymore and just stopped.....''
There was more after that but i couldn't hear it. My head had a million thoughts inside and i couldn't settle on one. The whole world was being tuned out, i just lost my best friend who was like a brother to me. I look around with a blank stare and i see mikasa down on the ground on her knees crying to her hearts content. Levi, who is usually emotionless, had a few tears in his eyes. No matter what i couldn't cry. It all seemed like a dream, levi and i making out, armin dying. This couldn't be real because even god Wouldn't be as cruel as to take someones best friend away.....would he?

~2 weeks later~
Its been two weeks since armin died but i still can't except it. Like my brain knows he's dead but my heart still hasn't caught up to the awful reality. I've been in my apartment this whole time not leaving, not even for food. I would have starved if mikasa didn't come feed my every day. Armin' funeral was last week but i didn't attend because at the time i was thinking
' Whats the point of having a funeral for someone who isn't dead?'
I don't think i can get over this. What if i was with him right now would he be happy? Sad? Angry? I don't know cause he isn't here to tell me.....instead all i'm left with is a meaningless world

How was that almost a thousand words. Sorry i haven't updated in a while. Schools been busy but i only have 2 days left so i can update more often now yea!!! Sorry about the death hope you all don't hate me afterwords

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