Chapter 6: 3 Words

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Okay guys I'm going to try to make this one longer than the one before so calm your titties and read on!! Oh and I'm going to try to flip flop POVs between people so it makes it more interesting. Remember to vote and comment any thing you like but please NO HATE! thanks over and out!!


Zayn's POV:

I knew that Niall liked Chloe. That's why I chose that dare.

Niall never treats anyone as special as he treats Chloe. No one. Not even us...


Niall's POV:

I wake up and no ones seems to be awake, I turn over to see Chloe. She lays there with a bit of hair in her face but she is beautiful as ever.

I gently brush the hair off her face, and watch her. Not creepily but in a good way.

I prop myself up on one elbow and watch her. I've never had the strength to say it to her face, I just cant hold it in, "I love you Chloe, I really do." I whisper.

I get up to go get breakfast from Starbucks down the street. I get up quietly so i don't wake anyone. I get dressed in my room and i head out.


Harry's POV:

"I love you Chloe, I really do." I hear someone say. My eye shoot open and i slowly look over in Chloe's direction,and sure enough Niall. NO NO NO NO NO! He cant love her, she's mine and only mine.

Niall gets up to leave. I cant let it bother me. But it does and it hurts. He's my best friend but he cant be in love with the same person i love.

As soon as Niall drove away i got up and woke up Louis, "Louis, Wake up!" I yell in a whisper.

"No. Harry go away." He says still half asleep.

"I need to talk to you."


"Because, its about Chloe." I said the last part extra quiet so no one hear.

"Fine." Louis slowly got up and followed me back in to the sun room. I sat down a nd remember the last time i was in here because of Chloe.

"What is it Harry?" Louis brings me out of thought.

" I heard Niall telling Chloe he loved her while she was still asleep." I tell him.

"Oh mate. You have a problem there, you know how close she is with him, it would make sense if she fell for him too."

"Your Not helping Louis!" I say kind of loud. I run my hand through my hair and think.

I look up as the voice of an angle speaks, "Is everything okay in here?"

Chloe. I get up and leave the room, not able to take anymore.


Chloe's POV:

"Your not helping Louis!" I hear Harry say extra loud.

I get up to find them in the sun room talking to each other.

"Is everything okay in here?" I ask.

Harry quickly gets up and walks past me. I look at Louis who motions for me to sit down. I sit in the chair where Harry sat when he was in here.

"Whats wrong with him?'' I ask Louis.

"Hes having a huge crush on someone but, another mate's falling for her too." He says and then gets up

"May I ask who it is?"

" That's classified." He says as he walks back out into the hall way. I sit there in disbelieve. who's Harry falling for. Is it me? It cant be, but what about yesterday. Sudden urge? I sigh and go to find my phone.


Niall's POV:

I pick up breakfast from Starbucks. I take a 10 minuet drive back to the house where hopefully every ones awake.

When i reach the house. Everyones awake but Harrys missing, i try to ask around but no ones where he went.

Chloe, Liam and Louis follow me to the kitchen for food.

"Where Zayn?' I ask.

"Where do you think he is." Liam says.

"In the bathroom." Chloe states.

I laugh and hand out food. I go sit on the couch to eat and Chloe follows. Zayn walks in and noticed that we were all eating with out him.

His face becomes fakely sad, "You guys are eating with out me?"

"You took to long doing your hair." Chloe laughs. Zayn makes a sad face and goes into the kitchen to get his breakfast.

Then Chloes phone rings and Harry's number flashes on the screen.

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