"Too Many Questions" - Summary

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You know the feeling when you ready to tell the guy you like that you like him, but you have the angel and devil on each shoulder telling you the pros and cons? And after they’re done with their speeches and leave you’re left wondering if you should tell him, and if you do, what will he say or think? Will he like you back? If he doesn’t what will happen after you tell him? You’re left alone.. embarrassed.. and in one way or another, dead, because your heart practically stopped beating. You become frozen in your tracks. On the other hand, if he did like you back, what would happen then? Would he ask you out? Would he stay friends with you but flirt with you more and more every day? What would you say if he did ask you out? If you say yes, what really happens? You hold hands at school and go to the movies on the weekends every now and then; because it’s not like he has a car to take you anywhere himself. Then if he didn’t ask you out, and stayed friends while being flirty, what would happen then?

My name is Miranda. i was born on August 28, 1997 and I am just like any other normal teenage girl. I can’t help but to think of the questions above every time I see the guy I like. Whether it’s in the hall way, the class that we have together which is English, in the morning, after school, or at lunch. I always want to have the coming out moment when I tell him that he’s the one I like. There is just one problem... well, not only one problem but the only big one. The right move and the wrong move are hard to tell apart or match the action with the name until it’s been observed or experienced. So I thought I would help you out by telling you my life experiences and hopefully helping you make your next move.

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