Part 7

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They ran through corridor after corridor, until they ran out of energy. Lalna opened the door for he nearest room, and motioned for Trott to go in. Then he followed him in. He shut the door behind them, and turned on a small light on a table near the door. He quickly looked around the room, before turning the light off again. They didn't need the light. There was nothing in the room, besides the table by the door with the light. Lalna pushed it in front of the door, then he slumped down one of the walls. Trott sat opposite him, and they sat in silence. Then Lalna spoke up. "I think you've done enough for me Trott. I don't want you to get hurt. You should stay here so afterwards you can explain everything to them." Lalna whispered. But Trott shook his head again. "I've already told you, I got us into this mess, so I'm going to get us out." Then he closed his eyes, signalling the end of the discussion. But Lalna wasn't ready to drop the topic yet. "Look, I'm being serious here," he tried again. "So am I, glad we're all on the same page here." He exclaimed. Lalna got up and looked through the small window on the door, when he had an idea. "Trott, I know where we can go! It's near the entrance and exit to YogLabs!" He began to feel hopeful again. Trott slowly stood up, considering the idea. "Okay," he said. "Show me."


"Perfect." Xephos whispered. Now that Lalnable and Trott were off the roof, he knew the one place Lalnable would go to. They couldn't hide now.


Trott and Lalna reached the area, just as the lights went off again. They stood close together, listening for anyone else. They picked up more plasma guns on their way, and now they held them up, pointed into the darkness. They couldn't get to the doors and open them unless they had light, so they would have to wait for the lights to come back on. Lalna was shaking again, and he felt like he was about to faint. He couldn't see anything at all, except for the small, red lights on the wall, which provided no light for more than a millimetre in front of them. Trott on the other hand, was fairly calm. He knew they had a chance, and he was willing to go by that. That's when he heard Lalna curse softly. "My arm," he whispered. That's when they both remembered the poison fire on it. The poison would still be in his arm, spreading. "Hold on, we can fix it after," Trott replied. It was the only thing he could say. Everything was silent. It was like a horror game. Everything was pitch black now, and there were no sounds whatsoever. It was so... Eerie... Lalna thought. He was so nervous, that he thought he would fall over and faint any second. The lack of activity didn't help. He was terrified, to say the least. He could die, and he knew he could do nothing about it. Suddenly, the lights flicked back on. Trott and Lalna were blinded for a moment, then they looked up. They were surrounded. But not by scientists. Every member of the Yogscast that played Minecraft must have been there. They all formed a defensive line around the pair, and they all had their own signature weapons or tools. From Sips and Sjin with bows, to Xephos with his diamond sword. Simon with a pickaxe, and Ridge with some sort of- who even knew what. The one thing they had in common, was that their weapons weren't pointed at Trott, but Lalna. Lalna took his eyes of the weapons, and he saw something important. The only Yogscast member who wasn't there, was Kim.


"Trott, step aside and we'll leave you alone, now and afterwards." Xephos called. He was in the centre of the arrangement. Trott glanced at Lalna, looking for help on what to do. Lalna flicked his eyes in the direction Xephos, and then he spoke, "go." Trott nodded, understanding what he was saying. Then he walked over to the side of the formation, and stood next to Zoeya. "Lalnable. There is no escape for you now. Is there anything you wish to say before we kill you?" Xephos asked. Lalna looked up at Trott quickly, then back at Xephos. "Yeah," he called out. "Get stuffed!" Then he ran straight at Xephos. From there, everything happened at one, and all hell broke loose. Lalna knew that it was a bad idea, charging into the fray, but he would've been killed anyway. He dodge the first few arrows that Sips and Sjin shot at him, and as they reloaded, he narrowly managed to avoid the plumes of fire Rythian and Zoeya shot at him. Some of the Yogscast member retreated, while some of them advanced. Xephos held his ground, and did neither, so Lalna continued forwards. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that Trott had taken on Sips, and they were having a long range fight, gun verse bow. Sjin just watched over them, not really helping in anyway. As Lalna reached Xephos he used his gun to flip the diamond sword up, and it was just out of reach of both of them as it fell. Xephos leapt forward, grappling for Lalna's gun, and as he managed to wrench it out of Lalna's grasp, he turned it on Lalna. They were both aware of everyone watching them now. Even Trott and Sips had stopped their fight, and were watching Xephos and Lalna fight like it was the main attraction. Lalna kicked upwards, hitting Xephos square in the chest. He went flying back, and he would've continued for a while, but Rythian was there, teleporting behind him, and he stopped him. They collapsed in a heap, but Xephos stood up again quickly, and Rythian teleported back into the formation. "No interference!" Lalna yelled, then Xephos nodded. "Fine!" He shouted back, before charging up to Lalnable again.

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