Part 8

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Xephos and Lalnable met back in the middle of the formation, before bringing their weapons together again. Xephos still had his diamond sword, and Lalna was just using the back of his gun. There was a small crack as something snapped, and they both looked down to see Lalna's gun was snapped in half. Crap, he thought quickly, before throwing the gun to the side and dodging a swing of Xephos' sword. Lalna glanced up from the ground, narrowly avoiding another try from Xephos. He kicked Xephos' legs out from under him, and he jumped over him, reaching for his diamond sword. But Xephos was quicker. He lunged at Lalnable, swinging his sword round in a big ark. Lalna could see his end coming, but suddenly Xephos' sword stopped, a centimetre from Lalna's back. Xephos pulled Lalnable up, and held his sword under his neck. The adrenaline was beginning to fade, and Xephos was feeling bruised and battered, but also irritated. "You brought this upon yourself Lalnable," Xephos angrily muttered. "Why did you do all this?!" He asked, shouting now so everyone could hear him. Lalna looked around the circle of his friends, hoping for any recognition. All of the Yogscast still had their weapons out, and some of them were still shaking in rage at the massacre of the scientists. Lalna took another look around the circle, before closing his eyes. "You were and never will be as good as Lalna," Xephos exclaimed. Lalna could feel the sword digging into his neck. Xephos pushed him forward before stabbing him in the back.


Xephos looked around at the rest of the Yogscast. "Friends, we have now witnessed the end of an enemy. He may not be Israphel, but this is one less person to worry about." Then he paused, before laughing quietly. "Any objections?" Xephos asked. The room was silent. "Fine, glad that's settled," Xephos exclaimed, then he lifted his sword once more above Lalnable.


Lalna couldn't feel anything, he couldn't see anything, he could just barely hear. Xephos was talking, making some sort of victory speech, then he heard the last few words: "any objections?" Lalna knew what was going to happen. His vision was still foggy, and he had a weird feeling on his back where Xephos had stabbed him. His vision slowly returned after a few moments, but it was still hazy. He could see Xephos bringing his sword up again. Then suddenly, a door close by flew open. A figure stood in the door frame for a few seconds, before moving quickly over to Lalna and Xephos. They pushed Xephos aside, as the leant down next to Lalna. "Lalna, Lalna, can you hear me?!" They yelled. It was Kim.


Xephos looked up from the floor, to see Kim leaning over Lalnable. "What are you doing, Kim?!" Xephos hissed. He stood up, as he grabbed his sword again. She turned to face Xephos, and he could see that she was crying. "This isn't Lalnable, it's the real Lalna, I swear." She whispered. Xephos just shook his head. "Don't listen to him, he's been saying that while he's been kept here, and-" "And none of you believed him?!" She cried. She bent back down, and gently nudged Lalna. "Lalna, Lalna, can you hear me?" She called, hoping he would hear her. He just moved a bit, so Kim took that as a yes and continued. "Lalna, do you like grape soda?" She asked. Xephos started towards her, amazed that she was so ignorant at the fact it wasn't Lalna. "Stop this, Kim, you know just as well as I do that this isn't him. Why is asking a question like that going to help?" He asked gently. The other Yogscast members were starting to look a little uncomfortable, and Trott rushed over to Kim and Lalna, blocking Xephos from reaching the other two. Xephos raised an eyebrow. "And you, Chris-" "Yeah?" Sips called out. There was a small bit of laughter between the Yogscast, and Xephos just rolled his eyes. Trust Sips to ruin such a moment. "I meant Trott." Then he turned back to Trott. "You're only a new scientist, yet you're running round with... With him?!" Xephos gestured to Lalna, his voice rising as he continued. "You don't know what he's capable of." "Yes, in fact I do." Trott replied. "This isn't Lalnable, he wasn't lying we he said that. I've watched him, and you can tell." Xephos sighed, as stood back to listen to Kim. She was still asking him the same question. "Lalna, do you like grape soda?!" She asked again. This time, he stirred, and he winced as he rolled over. Kim sat forwards, as he spoke. "No." It was faint, but she heard his reply. Hopeful, she asked him the next question. "Lalna, who watches the watchmen?" He was slowly regaining a little bit of his strength, and now his eyes were fully open, staring up at Kim. Then he slowly closed them again. "Lalna," she repeated. "Who watches the watchmen?!" This time he replied. "Sam Vimes, it was Sam Vimes," he whispered. Kim gasped, and she pulled him up to her. She started crying again, and she put her head down. "It is you..."

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