Chapter Five

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Inayah's P.O.V.

Thank God Hamdan allowed me to come with him. To be honest I was never left alone anywhere because I was too scared, especially in a house where I had just moved in to.

Anyways I walked towards the Mercedes whilst Hamdan followed behind me grunting. I knew he wasn't happy about this marriage but I wouldn't show that I was hurt. I wasn't that type of girl. I could describe myself in so many ways: funny,cute (I guess I am a little cute), intelligent, bold. I'm not trying to boast though...hehe.

The car journey was again spent in an uncomfortable silence as I fidgeted with my fingers to waste time. He seemed to notice and told me to stop. I immediately stopped and stared out of the window but it was dark outside and the street lamps were eerily green. There was nothing to see.

I closed my eyes. The blackness was like my future I guessed. Anger and sadness was all I saw.

Realising what I was thinking I threw the thoughts out of my mind and sighed heavily. This wasn't the life I dreamed of but I accepted it knowing I had no other choice.

"Get out."

I turned towards Hamdan who was already exiting the car. The journey felt like forever.

I jumped out and followed him to a bright Chinese restaurant and squealed. I loved Chinese food! My mother always used to make it when I was a child. Good memories came flooding into my head, I was once a happy girl, and would always stay a happy girl. And nothing would stop that, not even Hamdan.

The interior was magnificent. Neon signs were everywhere and there were so many tables crowded with people because of which, for a moment I felt claustraphobic. 

I followed Hamdan like an obedient dog to an empty table which was in the corner of the room. He immediately called the waiter and asked if his order was ready, the waiter simply nodded and rushed to get the food.

Hamdan and I were sat opposite eachother but of course Hamdan's gaze was somewhere else rather than on me. I sighed and murmered a prayer under my breath.

Finally steaming hot food was served at our table but it was only enough for one person. Had Hamdan not ordered anything for me?

Then I remembered that he had already ordered knowing it was only for him and I had forced him to allow me just before he left.

I stared at him thoughtfully wondering what he would do, but dissapointingly he didn't even realise my presence and scoffed his food. I looked around and called the nearby waiter, he paced towards me and smiled to which my mouth automatically smiled back.

"Good evening madam. What would you like to order?" He said politely

"Umm could I just get a bowl of noodle soup and a cold drink please."

The waiter nodded and walked towards to the food counter. Then I noticed that Hamdan was intently looking at me, his eyes narrowed. Being the sassy girl I was, I shrugged my shoulders at him and he shook his head and continued eating.


I was stuffed. I can't eat much anyways and I had already gone past my calory limits for today. Slurping down the last drip of my drink I plomped into the car and waited for Hamdan who was putting something away in the Boot.

A couple of minutes later he took his place in front of the steering wheel and drove into the cold night. Just like before the journey was spent in an uncomfortable silence.


Heya my lovelies!

Did you really imagine Hamdan not being a gentleman. Inayah had to pay for her food!! What a jerk he is.

Anyways I hope u enjoyed this chapter as much as I loved to write it. Please comment and tell me what you think of this book. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE

Saima x

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