Chapter Twenty One

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Inayah's P.O.V

I heard voices around me. I tried pulling my eyes open but they seemed glued together.

My whole body felt paralysed as I tried moving. Was I dead?

Someone shouted my name and I tried to reply but nothing happened. I wanted to cry. I wanted to break free but I was being pulled down like an incredible magnetic force.

Someone save me.

Hamdan's P.O.V.

Mum and I were in hospital with Inayah, who was lying unconscious, on the bed. I raked my hands through my hair in distress. I felt helpless.

The doctor came into the room and there wasn't a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry but she's in a coma." And he forced a smile. "We've attached her to the life support machine and everything is up to God now."

Mum broke down into tears. My eyes also started to swell but I wiped them away. I couldn't become soft now. I needed to support my mum.

I put my arms around her waist and pulled her head on my shoulders.

"She will be fine soon. Trust me."

She lifted her head to look at me and touched my face.

"Hamdan give her a chance."

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to get angry now, there was just too much going on now. I just smiled at her and shrugged.

A nurse came into the room and said we had to leave as Inayah needed to be checked up again.


Sorry for the short chapter..

Remember in the previous A/N I said how my uncle was sick.

Today (05/04/16) he passed away.😖

Alhamdulillah he was a good Muslim and Alah will grant him the best place in Jannah.

On his death bed all his family and relatives were surrounding him,which is like a blessing to see his family for the last time.

Please everyone pray that his sins are forgiven and won't suffer punishments in the grave or hereafter.

We will miss you uncle. You were amazing. ❤

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