Chapter Fifty

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Rumena's P.O.V.

Everyone was huddled around me, forcing a smile whenever I looked up at them.

I was fine as far as I could tell. My head was aching a little bit but other than that I felt fit and stable.

"You should continue to America without me." I breathed.

They stared at me and raised their eyebrows.

Inayah spoke up,

"Do you think we're going to leave you alone? This trip was especially for you and if you don't go then forget us going." And she crossed her arms like a little child who was being stubborn for sweets.

I left the topic and asked them when I would be allowed home and what the state of my car was.

Demolished, irreparable and squashed I assumed.

"Well the doctors haven't confirmed anything yet but hopefully soon." Said Tauhid.

Just then I remembered something. I was alright but what about my...

"No, wait. My baby is fine too right?"

"Your baby is fine Mrs K," A man beamed from the entrance.

It was Doctor Palmer. 

He was carrying a bunch of files in his hands and he had a light grey beard. His eyes were protected by his circular (Harry Potter-like) spectacles. He had a warm smile spread on his face, reaching from ear to ear. He was fairly tall and had a receding hairline. In fact, he was quite a father-like figure.

I reciprocated his smile and I looked at everyone joyfully. Everything was fine. 

"You may go home today. We thought there would be more damage but you've been merely bruised and wounded. And I accidentally eavesdropped on your conversation but I would like to say you're free to go America." He chuckled, patted Tauhid on the back and left the room.

Hamdan started dancing like a flamingo.

"WE'RE GOING AMERICAAAAA!!" He sang trying to include some moves with his beat.

"I didn't know that we already had a baby in this family." Smirked Inayah and Hamdan immediately stopped and turned bright red.

"No I was just -" He tried to defend himself when he was rudely interrupted by me.

"Okay shut up Hamdan, don't need to hear your excuses now. Please take me home!"

Tauhid and Hamdan left the room to get the discharge papers so soon we would be off home. 

Safe and Sound.


I had to be in full bed rest for the next 5 days the Doctor had told me.

I laid down looking at everyone kneeling down on the floor packing their bags. It was such a good feeling after a long time. Tauhid put his luggage to a side and came to lay beside me.

"How you feeling?" He asked, placing a hand on my thigh.

"Better." I replied and smiled at him.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulders. His arms wrapped themselves around me and I placed my hands on his chest. I could feel his heart pumping; his chest repeatedly rising and falling.

Minutes passed by and finally everyone finished packing. We were leaving in a weeks time and I still hadn't finished filling my bag. Tauhid and Inayah had promised that they would help me do it when they had finished theirs.

Tauhid's hand traced down to my belly and he kept it there.

"Our baby is hiding away in there." He whispered to me and kissed my forehead.

I automatically smiled and sighed. I took his hands in mine and thanked God for everything.

"Dinner's ready!" Mum shouted from the kitchen.

"Yeah, coming!!" Tauhid shouted back and left to bring the food.

Harris' P.O.V. 

I didn't want to stay here any longer. My aunt and uncle were torturing me. Not literally but life here was hell. I had no freedom and had to buy anything I wanted from my earned money. They wouldn't even lend me a penny.

Mum, Dad. Why? Why did you leave me alone?

Of course, I had dreams and aspirations but they were too far to grasp. I'd already accepted this life for the rest of my years to come. But there was only one light left.


Ever since she bumped into me I always had a reason to smile. We talked quite frequently, and it always helped me to get through my day.

Deciding to call her, I picked up my phone and dialled her number.

"Hey Samara, you free?"  I asked hoping she would be able to talk.

"Sorry Harris, I'm quite busy right now. Do you mind if I call you back in a bit?" She asked sounding a little guilty.

"Oh yeah, sure why not. I'm not important as it is. Bye." I was about to cut the line,

"No no, don't think that. I know you're having trouble with your personal issues Harris but don't think you're not important." She said trying to console me.

"Hmm thanks. It's okay, you call me later yeah?" 

"Yeah definitely. Bye."  And the line ended.

I don't know why I said that shit. I was having a bad day and I needed to talk to her. I did have friends but they would never understand like the way she does. 

Did I sound too desperate?






Saima x

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