Chapter Eight

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~AN~ I just wanted to let you guys know that if I add a few paragraphs which are bold in the beginning of some chapters it means that I'm repeating what had happened in the previous chapter so you can remember what had just happened with that person. Hope you enjoy x

Inayah's P.O.V

I pulled open my eyes only to see Hamdan staring down at me with a toothbrush in his hand. He had toothpaste dripping down his lips and I stifled my chuckle but he still heard.

"What you laughing at??" He bellowed at me.

I gave no reply and he simply walked off. I immediately changed and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. But Hamdan refused to eat it.

Just before he left for work he told me to stay indoors and not to open the door for anyone.

Then he was gone.

Once the door slammed shut I sighed. Keeping his food in the fridge, I walked into the living room to eat for myself. I turned the TV on to the news. Immediately I switched it off again. Death death death, that was all that was happening around the world. I wondered why people couldn't just live in peace. Was it that difficult?

Suddenly the doorbell rang, I hesitated to open it so I peeked through the keyhole. It was Rumena, I slowly creaked open the door to which she pushed it open even farther. She greeted me with a warm smile and hugged me. I reciprocated and welcomed her in. She gratefully accepted and sat down on the couch. She patted the seat indicating for me to sit beside her, I obeyed and looked at her beautiful features. I noticed she didn't apply much makeup, she was naturally stunning. Tauhid was a very lucky man. The thought made me smile and Rumena noticed.

"Hmm I see you're in a happy mood?" She asked.

"Oh no. I was just thinking of something." I replied and stood up to make a cup of tea for her.

She followed me to the kitchen and watched me attentively while I poured the boiling water into the mug. After I had made it, I served it to her with same Cake Rusk. Moments of silence passed while she drank her cuppa and looked around the house.

Finally as she set her cup down and focused on me she said,

"Is Hamdan keeping you happy?...... What I mean is, is he treating you properly?"

It took me a while to stop a few odd tears from passing out of my eyes. He wasn't treating me properly but I couldn't say that to Rumena.

"Y....yes thankfully."

She nodded and asked me a few more questions which were fortunately not about our relationship. I answered them honestly until she received a call. She apologised for the disruptiom and picked the call.

"Hey Hamdan."

My heart skipped a beat when I heard his name. I don't know why.

"O My God! This is bad, what are the Police doing right now??"

Again my heart skipped a beat but not because of Hamdan. Police? What had happened. Was Hamdan alright? Questions swam around in my head and I stared at Rumena trying to figure out what had occurred.

Minutes later which felt like hours she finally ended the line and looked at me.

"Inayah, Hamdan's office has been raided and the important files are missing."

I gasped at this news but she wasn't finished talking yet,

"That's not the worst thing though, they now have suspicions that someone is against or even after Hamdan. He is at risk is what the Police had said. Photos's of him and our family were identified ripped and some pieces burnt. Not only that, there was a ransom note which read: 'You made a grave mistake and now you will pay for it.'
Inayah I really have no clue who is behind this but I'm extremely frightened." She hugged me and I too wrapped my arms around her.

I was reciting prayers in my mind and hoping that everything would be set right but I could not help myself think of who would want to take revenge on my husband.

We broke apart from the hug and Rumena forced a smile. I smiled back and squeezed her hands assuring that God would help us.

Standing up she gave me another quick hug, said bye and left.



Two updates in two days. I hope this makes up for the previous short chapters

Sooo plzzz




Saima xx

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