Chapter Thirty One

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Hamdan's P.O.V.

Finally the guests left and were alone with Inayah's family. Upstairs Samara was beaming at herself in the mirror and probably dreaming about her future married life.

I truly felt sorry for her.

I told Inayah's parents about her health. And Mum fell down on her knees.

"What is happening to my little child?!" She cried furiously.

Dad bent down and tried to calm her. But it was of no use, she pushed him away and hugged Inayah very hard.

Inayah couldn't control her tears and broke down too. They held each other in their arms and weeped.

Dad and I became emotional and to prevent ourselves from crying we broke them apart and reassured them. They finally calmed down and we gave them something to snack on.

I decided that it was time to leave and me and Inayah walked back to the car after saying Salaam to her parents. There was no sign of Samara and neither of wanted to disturb her. She really has changed alot since Aaron came into her life.

Inni was silent throughout the whole car journey and I had nothing to say either.

Finally arriving home we decided to have an early night. We both brushed our teeth together in the bathroom and tucked ourselves into bed.

Fajr time.

Today I woke up earlier than Inayah which was unusual. I turned around to face her and she seemed so silent. I tapped her to wake her up but she didn't move. I sat up in bed and shook her harder. No response.

I touched her hand and it was cold. My heart skipped a beat and I rang the ambulance.

Within minutes they arrived and many paramedics were surrounding her. I stood in the corner of the room praying until I cried and cried. I called Rumena as I knew she would be awake now.

She told me not to panic and I told her not to tell anyone apart from Tauhid and come to the hospital.

"She needs to be taken immediately to the hospital." A woman from the team said rushing up to me.

I nodded and they carried her away into the ambulance. I was allowed to sit beside her and I furiously rubbed her hand desperate for her to wake up.

"What's happening to her?" I said to the paramedic sat opposite me.

"Her pulse rate was extremely low, if it was any lower then she wouldn't even be alive anymore. The pro doctors will find out what is actually wrong. Has she had any other illnesses in the past?"

I was speechless. If anything happened to Inayah then I would never forgive myself.

"Excuse me?" The woman said.

"Oh yes sorry..she was diagnosed with Injuvenile." I replied hastily.

The woman looked shocked and stared down at Inayah who was fighting for her life.

"Poor girl." She breathed quietly.

The van stopped to a halt and the back doors were bound open and Inayah was driven away to the hospital. I hurriedly followed and saw Rumena and Tauhid standing near the entrance.

"Is she okay?" Rumena asked petrified.

"I don't know."

The doctor came out of the room and I dashed up to him and asked if Inayah was better.

"I'm sorry but it's very hard to say anything right now." And he briskly walked off.

Tauhid, Rumena and I sat impatiently waiting for any informatiom about Inayah. I was so tempted to call and tell the rest of the family about Inayah. But I decided that I would only tell them after I found out Inni's condition.

It was nearly 8am and Rumena and Tauhid had to get home before anyone noticed they were gone. We said Salaam and Rumena told me to tell her the latest news about Inayah. They both left in a hurry and I stayed.

My stomach began rumbling and I went to the hospital store nearby and bought a can of energy drink, three brioches and a pack of mint gum. After devouring the brioches I gulped down the drink and popped a gum into my mouth to waken me up and make my breath smell good.

I went outside for some fresh air and saw Adam, my old college friend.

He spotted me first.

"Heyy Hamii!" He said giving me a man hug.

"Sup Addi." I hugged back.

"How ya been?"

"Umm not too good bro." I replied. "My wife is in hospital."

"Ohhh man that's sad. Hope gets better soon." He said.

"Thanks." I said and patted his back.

Adam and I were best mates since the beginning of college. We did everything together but after we left college we decided to go our own ways. I was meeting him today for the first time after Graduation. He still had his cheeky grin and same brown mop on his head. It was so good meeting him but I was dying to go back in the hospital and find out any further information.

"Well I need to go now." I said trying to leave.

"Wow man. You don't seem interested in talking to me. Well fine then, see ya." And he walked off.

I didn't reply and walked back in and noticed Inayah's doctor talking to the nurse. I rushed up to him and asked him the current state of Inayah's health.

"I'm sorry Mr Kuraish but your wife is in a coma."

I dropped my phone from my hand and blankly stared at the doctor.

"Inaaayahhhhh." I screamed and collapsed to the floor.

Nearly 45k readers!!

Hope yoy enjoyed the chapter! I actually felt bad after putting Inayah in a coma but it was part of the story.

Anyways as I promised these are the shoutouts sooo please please follow them. And thank you to those 5 readers who commented and made me happy. But also thank you to EVERYONE who votes and comments xx:

Btw slaveofallah_57 sorry but for some reason it doesn't let me mention you sooo I wrote your name^^
Please follow her too she was the 5th commenter

A special shoutout to Sabahbutt100 my bestt friend from school!! She's been so supportive and shouted at me whenever I take time to update!❤😝




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