The Beginning

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I sat up in this hotel room for a whole hour waiting for his ass to call me back but he hasn't. We've been back together for only a month now and he's already starting this dumb shit where he's late to come and meet me. I loved Chris with all my heart but sometimes he would just get on my nerves. I sighed softly contsantly looking down at my iphone to see if he has texted me back but he hasn't. Slouching down in the chair I looked up at the ceiling before closing my eyes trying to think to myself. I was stressing like crazy over this. He promised to make it up to me last week but did the same fucking thing to me. 

-Phone begins to ring-

"Hello? Chris?"

"Yo RiRi...I'm sorry babe. I got side tracked by a lot things today"

"Your like 6 hours late you know that right?"

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you when I get back to the hotel"

"You know what....Nevermind. Ok I'll see you soon"

I quickly pressed the end call button before he could even say anything else.  I didn't even want to hear the words I love you come out of his mouth. I slammed my phone down onto the small round table next to me before rubbing the temples of the on the side of my face. This was really getting to me everytime I had thought about it. I needed to clear my mind so I got up and slid open the door to the balcony. Fresh air hit my face so fast I inhaled a lot of it in before exhaling it out. My mind was beginning to clear up finally but then the door opened. 

"Rihanna! Guess who?"

I turned around and saw Chris. The dark cloud that I had a couple of minutes ago formed back over my head and I was gripping onto the guard rail of the balcony pretty tight when I saw his face but I calmed down because at least he made the effort to see me and not wait til the next morning, afternoon or night like he would usually do. 

"Your here "early" this time"

"I cut my work short just for you babe" He said with a grin before coming over to kiss my cheek. 

"That's good. But right now it's late and I'm tired"

Before I could even walk away he grabbed my hand and held it tight. 

"What?" I asked.

"I got to talk to you about something"

I raised an eyebrow curious about what he had to tell me. He led me over to the couch and we both sat down. 

"i know I haven't been here for you in awhile but this big ass opportunity has arised for me"

"And what would that be?"

"A 6 month Chris Breezy World Wide Tour"

My jaw dropped in an instant.

"Your going to be leaving me for 6 months?"

"Yes. That's why I needed your approval on this. I know I haven't been here lately for you but when I come back I will be"

I looked at him with a fake smile then nodded my head, patting his hand with mine. 

" do what you gotta do. I'm a step behind you 100%"

He had formed a big smile on his face when he heard that I agrreed with him about this tour. 

"I love you Rihanna. Your the best boo" He said while giving me a big hug.

"This is only the beginning..." I whispered to myself while hugging him back.

Hate Sleeping Alone (Drake,Rihanna & Chris Brown Fanfic) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now