This Could Be Something (All Drake's POV)

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~Drake's POV~

Once I got into my car and drove away from her house leaving it behind, I gripped onto the steering wheel kind of mad at myself for making that quick move on her. My intention was not to make it that awkward or weird for her but it ended being like that anyways. I was so frustrated with myself that I had no choice but to pull over to the side. I was going beyond the speed limit and I wasn't going to rear off the side of the road and land in a ditch somewhere so I slowly pulled over to a curb nearby and just sat there for a couple of minutes or more. I constantly kept looking at my phone just in case she would've texted me. I left my number on her coffee table just if she needed somebody to talk to, I was here for her. But no call or text even came up and if it was, it was from my crew or one of the thirsty hoes from my videos and clubs all but Rihanna. Damn I think I messed up big time with her now. 

My feelings for her are to much right now. I have no idea why I fell so fast for her but it happened and I let that get in the way and kind of creeped her out in the process. I leaned my head onto the back of the head rest of the seat just looking up at the car ceiling while thinking to myself. All I could really think about was Rihanna. Her smile, laugh, the way she moves, talks and sings. Everything about her ran through my mind nonstop for a couple of minutes before the ring on my phone broke those thoughts. I quickly picked it up to see who it was. It was my boy Chris calling. What the fuck could he want? I pressed the answer button on my phone. 

"Wassup Chris? Everything alright man?"

"Yeah! I was just calling to check up on my boy and ask you a favor!"

"What favor?"

"Keep an eye out for Rihanna"


"Just to make sure she don't get with any other guys cause by the time I come back, I making up all those days we've missed up to her!"

"So you want my to spy on her?"

"Nah mane! Just be like her body guard but become friends with her first"

"Aight I'll do that"

"See ya. Deuces!" 

I pressed end call then hung up the phone. How ironic? That now I got to be her body guard, this might be a way to get close to her again. The thought about getting close to my best friend's girl was kind of getting to me after that call. I didn't want to be disrespectful and take advantage of this opportunity but if it meant being with Rihanna then of course I would. I texted her instead of calling. Bet she didn't want to hear my voice anyways. Let alone hear about what Chris has told me. 


Hey Ri! 

It's Drake! I got a call from Chris and he wanted me to watch over you while he was gone for the 6 months tour. 

~Message Sent~

I know that text was very vague but I wanted to talk to her so at least that will get her attention. A minute later she replied back. 


WTF! I don't need a damn baby sitter ! You can tell him to go the fuck somewhere else with that shit. What am I? 6? GTFO!

As I read it, I could tell she was mad as fuck and that didn't make the situation between us any better. I really didn't know what to say. Every time Chris is even mentioned she goes ballistic or gets super depressed. Now I'm just confused. Either this could be something or nothing between us. But it's what you make it that really determines if a relationship works. I stared at the text again and again before replying back. 


Yo Ri! Calm down. He's just looking out for ya. You know he really does care for you. He just has a funny way of showing it sometimes. Just give this a chance. All he wants is for you to be safe and protected. 

~Message Sent~

The last two lines was really meant for me. I wanted to make sure she was ok because I really do care for her. Hell! I'd do anything for her. Be there whenever she needs me. She's been alone way to long and Chris has no fucking clue. I tossed my phone onto the passengers seat and leaned my head back onto the rest. Before closing my eyes. 


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