The End.

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Here we are. You and me at the end of this story. It's been a wonderful journey, but all things have to come to an end. I thank you for sharing this with me.

Okay, let's not be as serious now. Thanks so much for reading and voting and adding this story to lists, it's freaking amazing. I've spent over a year on this story, going on a couple hiatuses because I was having writer's block and trouble at school, so it's kinda saddening to see it end. Seriously, thank you guys so much, and as always, I hope you enjoy.

Gabriel PoV

"Hey, Gabe?" Sam asked as they watched the body burn.

"What's up, Samsquatch?" Gabriel asked, looking over at Sam. Well, Dean's body but Sam's mind. 'How the hell did I not notice that?'

"So, Dean told me that, when they were waiting for us to show up, the witch was saying that there was a lot of pining in our group," Sam started. "And then you just charged her when she was threatening to kill Dean, without even thinking about it. Does that mean that, you know, you like him? Or was it because you thought he was me?"

"Listen, Sammy, can we talk about this once we get into our own bodies?" Gabriel asked, not ready for this. Admittedly, he was prepared for the whole 'I'm not gay' speech, but the way that Sam was so timid, it could mean a lot of things.

"Yeah, sure. The body's almost done burning, we should go back to the motel," Sam said. The boys went back to where Sam had parked the Impala, getting in in silence. Gabe didn't like the silence, it made him nervous. And considering the fact that he grew up with Lucifer as a brother, it took a lot for a human to make him nervous.

"Hey, Sammy, Gabe. You guys ready to get things back to normal?" Dean asked as they walked into the room.

"Well, as normal as things can get for us," Sam said. "What do you need for the spell?"

"We've already gotten what we need for the spell. Ms. Jones had quite the collection of supplies, even things that are quite rare," Cas said. "All we need is for you guys to drink the remedy. For it to work, the two that have switched bodies need to drink it at the same time."

"And to make sure that we don't mess it up and somehow switch bodies with anyone else, Sammy, me and you are up first," Dean finished, handing Sam a cup of a murky brown liquid.

"Are you positive this is how to reverse it?" Sam asked, his nose crinkled as he looked at the cup.

"One hundred percent. We found it in a journal that she had," Cas told him.

"Well, here goes nothing," Sam said as he and Dean lifted their glasses to drink the contents.

"Well, Sammy, how do you feel?" Gabe asked, looking at him.

"I feel... taller," Sam told him, shaking his limbs a bit as he got used to being back in his taller form.

"You have no idea how glad I am that I don't have to deal with your mess of hair anymore," Dean said, running his hands through his short hair. "Seriously, how can you hunt with that?"

"Okay, Gabe, Cas, you guys ready to be back in your bodies?" Sam asked, getting the cups from the table.

"I've been ready since we got in this whole mess," Gabe said, taking the glass from Sam. Their hands brushed for the briefest moment, yet Gabe still felt his heart speed up from it. 'I've really got it bad.'

"Ready, Gabriel?" Cas asked, lifting his glass to his lips. Gabe nodded and the two drank the concoction. Gabe recoiled a bit at the flavor, a mixture of mud, iron, bugs, and for some reason, a hint of strawberry. Swapping back into his own body was a bit like changing vessels, the feeling of weightlessness as his consciousness switched back into his rightful vessel. It was dark for a nanosecond as he settled in, and when he gained the sense of sight again, he saw things as he normally did.

"Gotta say, I'm going to miss being taller," Gabriel said, grinning at his brother.

"I'm just glad that things are as they should be," Cas told him as he played with the edges of his trench coat.

"Hey, Cas? Could I talk to you for a second?" Dean asked, suddenly seeming nervous.

"Of course," Cas nodded, following Dean out of the motel room.

"So," Gabe said as he watched his brother and the eldest Winchester leave the room.

"Yeah, so," Sam said. "Can we talk about it now?"

"I guess I do owe that to you. Listen, yeah, I rushed the witch because I thought she was going to hurt you. I've gotten really attached to you, and with that witch saying that crap about the pining and everything-"

"Gabe, stop talking for a bit. That 'pining' she was talking about, yeah, it's pretty true. I've liked you, and for a while too," Sam cut him off. "I get it if you don't like me the same way, since you're an angel of the lord and all, but I just needed to get that off my chest."

"Oh thank dad," Gabe said. "I was really prepared for the whole 'I'm not gay' speech, in all honesty. That's why I didn't want to say anything when we were in Cas and Dean's bodies. And also because it would've been weird if I had done this."

"Done what?" Sam asked, looking like a confused puppy. A giant of a puppy, but still a puppy nonetheless.

"This," Gabe said as he pulled Sam down into a soft and short kiss. As they broke the kiss, Sam laid his forehead against Gabe's.

"Yeah, I'm glad you waited," Sam said softly with a slight laugh.

Dean PoV

Dean released a sigh as he walked out of the room, Cas trailing behind him. "Listen, Cas," he said as he turned to the angel. "About what the witch said-" That was as far as he got before Cas had crashed him against the wall, his lips meeting Dean's in a feral kiss. Dean hummed against his lips, surprised at Cas's sudden boldness, before melting into the kiss.

"Sorry, it's just that I've gotten tired of waiting," Cas said once air became a necessity.

"It's... fine," Dean panted out. "That was... amazing." Cas's face broke out into a wide smile as he took in Dean's words.

"So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Cas asked, still grinning.

"Nothing," Dean said, pulling Cas in for a slower kiss. And in that moment, despite their crazy, fucked up lives, he felt that everything was just perfect.

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