I Would Love to Have the Sex With You

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I swear I had this done yesterday! My parents had taken my phone from me, so yeah. I promise I'll be better at this!
Sam PoV
"You can be a real pain in the ass sometimes, you know that, right?" Sam told Dean as he followed him into the library.

"Yeah, but you still love me!" Dean shot Sam a quick and showing off smile.

"So, what are we supposed to look up? I mean, we haven't exactly seen this before," Sam told him.

"Well there was that one time with those kids that were screwing around with witchcraft," Dean said.

"Don't remind me of that, they freakin shot me with a tranquilizer dart!" Sam replied.

"Least that kid got you some action," Dean said. "'Yes, I would love to have the sex with you.' That was pretty funny." Dean started grinning wildly.

"Shut up, you know that wasn't me," Sam grumbled. "So, we start with witchcraft then?" he asked.

"Yeah, that's as good a bet as any," Dean said, waving to the librarian as they walked past the front desk. The woman looked shocked, but if it was because she overheard their conversation, they didn't know. The Winchesters walked over to the reference section of the library, going to the thick leather bound books that looked as if they haven't been read in years. Dean picked up one of the books that had "The Witches Spells: A Collection of Spells Allegedly Used by Witches" in small print on the spine. "This one's specific. You start on that and I'll go find something else," Dean said as he handed him the book and started to walk off.

"Seriously? Come on Dean you always do this to me!" Sam yelled after him. Several people around him that were trying to read or do work glared at him. "Sorry," he whispered and they turned back to what they were doing. A younger woman walked up to him. 'Shit, I'm going to get kicked out. Or she's going to slap me like when I was on that stupid doctor show Dean watches.' Sam thought.

"Hey," she said as she approached him. "You into that kind of thing?" She asked as she pointed at the book he was holding.

"Hi. Yeah it's for an article I'm writing for this newspaper. I'm trying to explore the nature of witchcraft," he said, smiling at her.

"Cool, I'm actually writing a paper about the Salem Witch Trials for my history class at the college a couple towns over. Think you can help me with a few things? These books on it aren't really helping me," she replied.

"Um, yeah sure," he replied, thinking 'Dean is going to kill me if I don't get this done. But I can spare a few minutes, right?'

"Thanks so much! You look like you know what you're doing, and I really need the help. My stuff is over here," she told him, leading him to a mess of books, a laptop, and piles of papers at one of the smaller tables.

"So what do you need help with?" Sammy asked.

"We're supposed to write a paper that explains why and how these specific women were selected to be on trial. I'd thought that I'd explore how witches were seen and what actual witches did and I'm sorry, I'm rambling, aren't I?" She finished with a sheepish smile.

"No, it's fine. It's nice to see someone so enthusiastic about something even as simple as a history paper," he said, smiling back at her. 'She's nice, but no Gabriel,' he thought.

"So, I thought maybe you could help me with what real witches did... I mean if they existed," she trailed off.

"Uhm, yeah, sure. There's actually some text that tries to prove the existence of witchcraft, so you'd probably be good starting there," Sam told her, writing down a book title on one of her papers.

"It's pretty cool that you're into books," she said.

"Huh?" He asked.

"Well, it seems that your friend that you came in with would be into books," she continued. "I think it's cool that someone who comes of as a guys' guy is into books and stuff like this. You know what, here," she said, handing him a slip of paper with her number on it. "I kind of just used my paper as an excuse to talk to you, I don't actually need help with it," she finished, smiling shyly.

"That's cool, I actually have to go, but I'll be sure to give you a call. Maybe you can help me out," he said, grinning. 'That's a nice change,' Sam thought. 'I'm not into her, but hey, for once I didn't have to start the flirting. I wonder if Gabriel and Cas went back to the motel yet. Hope they got my note if they did.' Getting the book Dean had found earlier, he got up and walked away in search of his brother. As he walked outside, he saw a man about the same height as Dean leaning against the wall.
As he crept closer, he heard the man talking to someone. Someone who sounded a lot like himself. He heard the conversation going on into flirting.
"So what's a tall drink of water like you doing alone?"
''Well I decided to go take my brother to the library considering on how much a book lover he is.''
"Wow, you seem like a man who knows what he's doing." Before Dean could reply back, Sam dragged him by his collar back into the library. Dean didn't even say a word and just grabbed more witchcraft books to read from. Sam sat up and was about to say something until he heard both his and Dean's stomach growl.

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