the hate

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I scroll through all the comments on the last song cover I did with Shawn, tears starting to fall down my face.

poor shawn. i feel bad for him, having to live with her would really suck omg shes so ugly haha lmao

cant believe he chose her over every other girl. a freaking rock is prettier than her 

im surprised hes still dating her like get a life girl...oh wait, dont. just end yours because nobody cares about you lol

Soon I'm crying hard, sobs causing my throat to hurt. I shut off my phone, the tears blurring my vision.

I curl up in Shawn's bed and hug his pillow against my body—it smelled like him.

I think I hear somebody call my name, but my sobs are so loud it's hard to hear anything other than them.

Shawn bursts through the door and runs over to me, his own eyes starting to tear up.


"Shh," tears slip down his face as he gets onto the bed, wrapping his arms around me and stroking my hair. "Shh. Just calm down."

I try to stop, but I'm crying too hard that I just end up choking myself. Shawn hugs me even tighter and I start to hear his own quiet sobs.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"I just c-can't do-o this any-nymore..." I manage to get out. "Everyday th-they're doing-g it and I'm st-starting to..."

"Y/N, stop right there." Shawn's cries have become quieter but there are still tears in his eyes and the slightest stutter in his words. "I don't want you to believe a single thing they say—a single th-thing you hear me?—because it's made up. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met and the kindest and the sweetest and the dorkiest, but that's a good thing because that makes you just like me-e. All they are is jealous. I love you so, so much, Y/N. Never give in to it. I get the hate, too. Trust me. But I ignore it and somet-times even laugh at it because it's so stupid. They're all just lies. Those people don't actually know us. No on really does except ourselves. I just..."

He stops and engulfs me into a hug. I'm crying even more now, soaking his shirt as I sob into his chest. He's playing with my hair and rubbing my back. But it soothes me, the fact that someone else understands what I'm going through.

I'm not alone in this fight.

this is really short whoops

it was originally a danisnotonfire imagine lol

but hey I updated again right?

do any of you guys ship shawn and camila?

bc I sure af don't

I mean yeah if they start dating I'll be happy for shawn but I just don't like think they're a good couple

no, it's not me saying "omG HES MINE GO AWAY BITCH"

I just can't SEE them together

but she's gonna be on his new(ish) album and now I'm sad bc I don't like her but I obvs love shawn so idkkk

lol enough of my crap

(I should make a rant book omg lmao

then you guys wouldn't have to deal with me as much)

hope your lives are going well, luvvies

I hope you're happy and I hope people are treating you right,

~ Anna

shawn mendes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now