star boy - part one

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The weather was perfect. It was warmer than it usually was at night, but a cool breeze made it tolerable. The sky was clear, making the stars visible in the sky.

I loved when you could see the stars.

I'd lived in this apartment complex for a while now, that is, ever since my parents got divorced some years ago. My dad gained full custody and I've rarely seen my mom since my dad and I moved out. I didn't have to move schools, which would have sucked, and none of the neighbors were too weird.

I wondered what those neighbors were doing just now as I laid on the roof of the complex, staring at the sky. Were they having a late dinner? Or watching a movie? Maybe they were sleeping already, as it was past ten. I knew my dad was asleep, he never stayed up past nine since he had to leave early for work.

But just in case he woke up and found me missing, I left a note every night on my bedroom door that I'd gone to the roof and I was okay and didn't run away or wasn't kidnapped. Then I'd open my bedroom window and climb up the fire escape to the roof.

Music played from my phone and I didn't bother grabbing earbuds because I knew no one would hear. I softly sang along, tapping my fingers to the beat. As I looked to the sky, I smiled to myself, naming the constellations I could make out in my head.

The minute I discovered this place, I fell in love with stars and constellations. I made my dad buy me books on constellations and I studied them until I could recognize dozens and name them in seconds. Sort of a special talent.

"Come On Eileen" was playing now, a song I'd fallen in love with because of my dad. I sang a bit louder, knowing all the words, and remembering all the sing-along sessions I'd had with my dad.

"This is a great song."

I stopped singing and it was silent except for the music continuing on its own. An upside-down head popped up above of mine. From what I could tell, he was male, but he could also be a girl with very masculine features and a low voice.

My heart was beating fast in my chest. All the nights I'd spent binge-watching Criminal Minds and Law & Order didn't make me feel any better as terrible thoughts of what could happen to me raced through my head. The boy opened his mouth to speak again,

"That one is Orion."

I know that.

His head titled upwards as he looked at the stars. And then he looked back down, right into my eyes. His eyes were brown and so was his hair, which was blowing in the wind. He was hovering over me on his hands and knees. When he looked back up a second time, I made my decision.

I used my arms to push myself up, but didn't plan on the boy turning his head down again.

Our heads bashed together, and I fell back down, hitting my head on the roof. I groaned, placing my hand over my forehead, feeling that it was hot. I heard the boy laughing and felt anger boiling in my chest. I sat up, noticing he had fallen down on his back.

"Who are you?" I demanded and the boy stopped laughing. He got off the ground. crossing his legs. A smile was on his face.

"I'm Shawn," he held his hand out but I didn't shake it. For all I knew, he could very well be a serial killer about to kill me. He furrowed his eyebrows and lowered his hand, but he was still smiling.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him—Shawn. "No one ever comes up here. It's my spot."

"I don't believe you own this complex," Shawn said, "or this roof."

"I've never seen you around here before," I countered, crossing my arms. I wasn't going to lose this argument, if that's what you'd even call it.

"Just moved here," he raised an eyebrow. "Don't all residents have the right to this roof?"

I huffed, who did this boy think he was? "Well...well, you can't just come up here and scare me like that! Didn't it ever occur to you that I might've been having my own moment? It's kind of rude to barge in on that."

He laughed and it was silent except for my music, which was still playing, in the background. A new song was on, another oldie from my dad's younger days. I reached over and paused the music, holding my phone close to my chest, ready to call 911 or scream if Shawn did anything.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said.


"You look terrified of me," he pointed out, and he was right. I was terrified of him. I didn't know him and some stranger scaring me late at night didn't make me any less scared of him. He scooted a bit closer to me. "You don't have to be."

"Are you asking me to trust someone I just met?" I questioned, rolling my eyes. "Far as I know, you could be trying to kidnap me."

"I'm not," Shawn laughed again, not convincing me at all.

"How do I know that?"

"You don't."

"Mhm," I said, and Shawn fell silent. God, I'd had enough of this. "I'm going to go..." I stood up, placed my phone in my back pocket and walked towards where the fire escape was. As I began to climb down, I heard Shawn call out,

"Wait, I never got your name!"

I landed on the platform near my bedroom window. I looked up towards the sky, and his head was peaking over the rooftop, looking down at me.



omg i actually really like this one and typically i don't like my imagines so ... :)

i plan on making one or two more parts to this so look out for those!

i have two cute ideas from my vacation so far, which has been so much fun! we've only ben here for a day and a half and we're here for six more days so hopefully more inspo will come to me

i'm also sorry the first few chapters of this book are complete (excuse my language) shit, i was probably eleven when i wrote them lol

thanks for the amazing support on this book!

xoxo anna

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