The Hunter and the Hunted

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-Emara’s POV-

“Emara, wake up.” My mom whispered whilst shook my shoulder.

“Mmm, What?” I mumbled.

“Em, its noon! You can’t sleep away the day.” My mom told me.

“Oh, yeah…” I frowned when she turned away.

“Loren, it’s time to get up!” My mom woke up Loren.

“No! Mr. Chair!” Loren yelled waking up.

“Whoa!” My mom yelled startled.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Oh, I um… just had a dream about Mr. Chair…” Loren explained to my mom.

“Oh, okay…” She looked at Loren funny but then shook her head. “Well, you ladies better hurry it up, before everyone eats lunch without you.”

“Okay mom,” I answered. She left and I turned to Loren, “Did something happen?”

“No… I just… I don’t really know why I said that…” Loren told me.

“Hmm, maybe it’s nothing but I wouldn’t ignore it.” I got up and helped her up. We walked to the kitchen together. Mom had made macaroni and cheese.

“Thanks,” I grabbed a bowl off the table and made myself a bowl. My brother walked in and busted up laughing.

“What!?” I demanded.

“You’re hair!” He laughed.

I frowned and went into the bathroom to look at my hair. Half of my short hair was pointing straight up. I busted up laughing as well.

“Loren! How did you not laugh?” I asked walking out. My mom was laughing now too.

“I didn’t notice!” She laughed so hard she started coughing. Soon everyone in the house was up and laughing at my crazy hair. It felt good, to be back in my own house laughing at something crazy with my family. Loren being here just added to the awesomeness. It was almost as if everything was actually just a dream…

Finally, we all calmed down enough for me to get some food and actually eat it without choking. I kept my hair the way it was all day and, surprisingly, it actually stayed. I could only hope that the rest of spring break could go like this.

Loren and I hardly got a chance to even think about Amnesia all day, until finally we were back in my room, getting ready for bed again.

“I can’t wait to get our beds set up. I want to get off the floor.” I told Loren.

“Yeah,” Loren replied, “How do you feel about Stephano?” she asked out of nowhere.

My face grew hot, “W-why do you want to know…?”

“Because,” She replied expecting an answer.

“Well,” I looked away but I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face, “I kind of… like him…”

“I knew it,” She smiled.

“Is that bad…? I mean, what about Jason?” I asked feeling kind bad.

Loren crinkled up her nose at the mention of his name. She didn’t like Jason and I knew that. Jason broke up with me for another girl, but I took him back. When we got back together, she warned me he was only going to break my heart again, but I didn’t listen to her. Since then I can’t even mention him without her getting angry.

“It’s only fair. He left you for some other whore-bag because all he wants is sex in the first place. And now, you can leave him for someone so much better for you.” Loren replied.

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