Realizing the Truth

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 -Ella's POV-

A party!? Aw this was going to be awesome!

“The party hasn't started yet.” Loren told me.

“What!? Why didn't you tell me that before?” I frowned. Now I had to wait.

Loren giggles evilly. Well... it wasn't necessarily evil, but it sounded like it after the horrible, soul crushing information she had just relayed to me, “Because I wanted to make you suffer!”

Okay, now I know the giggle was evil, “You're horrible.”

“Hmm, really? I hadn't noticed.”

I sighed as she skipped away to develop her next evil plot. I frowned and went off to find something to entertain myself. I walked around the halls for a while when I ran into Barrel. He came jogging up the hall but stopped when he saw me.

“Oh... Hello Ella.” He said to me straightening up and brushing off his clothes. He was trying to pretend he wasn't out of breath but I knew he was. He wasn't a very good actor.

“Hey Barrel.” I smiled.

“I am not late am I?” He questioned.

“No. It hasn't started yet, as Loren so rudely informed me not ten minutes ago.” I answered. I looked at Barrel He didn't look well. His face was a little pale and his eyes where a bit blood shot.

“Great. I was scared I had arrived late. I already know that most of the people attending do not hold me in the highest esteem and, making a fashionably late entrance would draw more attention to myself then I think I would like.” Barrel smiled at me.

“I don't think you will have to worry about that. I know that everyone will be there. Jennifer and Piggeh included.” I replied.

“Piggeh is going to be there?” Barrel demanded.


“Oh... Well... I haven't seen him in awhile. This should be interesting.” Barrel responded.

“You're terrified.”

“Oh, God yes. The last time I saw him he trapped my in a corner and proceeded to lick my face. He then told me that if I ever felt lonely that I could come down to his room. He never specified how he was going to cure my loneliness, and I'm not really sure I want to know.” Barrel shivered.

I laughed, “Seems like a very 'nice' and 'sophisticated' man. A true gentleman.”

“Oi! If he's a gentleman, what am I!?” He wondered.

I thought about it for a moment, “You're a jerk.”

“Oh really?” Barrel smirked defiantly, “Would a jerk do this?” He asked leaning down towards me. My heart rate started to increase as I knew what was coming up. He came closer to me and pressed his lips onto mine. My breath hitched and my cheeks burst into flames. He put a hand on my cheek and deepened the kiss. I did not object.

“Ella-” I heard someone start. I pulled away from Barrel quickly to see Gonzales standing I the hall watching us.

“Gonzales-” I tried.

“I j-just came to inform you and you, ahem,d-date that the party is about to commence.” Gonzales said quickly before turning away crudely and marching away with his back straight, like a soldiers would be.

“Gonzales, please wait!” I called after him, but he was gone.

Oh snap!

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