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-Emara’s POV-

I snuggled up to Stephano’s chest welcome to the warmth of his body. I closed my eyes and opened them again in my bedroom. It was still dark here as well. I guess the time is the same in both worlds. I got up and stretched.

I felt tired and well rested at the same time. It was a strange feeling. I looked toward Loren. She looked like she was asleep! I nudged her and sure enough she was asleep. I guess she was asleep in both worlds, or maybe she woke up in amnesia.

Shrugging, I padded out of my room and into the bathroom. I really needed a nice warm shower. I turned the water on and let it steam up the bathroom before undressing and getting in. The water felt nice against my skin. I quickly cleaned myself and got out. 

When i had dried myself off I looekd down at the shreded and blood stained sleeves of my favorite jacket and the long sleeved shirt i was wearing underneith. Sighing, I wrapped them in a plastic bag and tossed them in the trash. I was thankful that my jeans were pretty much untouched. i threw them into the washer and headed back to tmy room to get changed. 

I searched my dresser for something I could wear that I didn't really care about. I changed into a plain black T-shirt and a pair of jeans that hugged my legs nicely. I was glad they weren't bell bottoms. I hated those eighties style jeans. 

I looked down at Loren. she still had a little blood in her hair but other than that she looked fine. I hoped our mom didn't notice all the blood and things. Then I realized something. I checked my arms. The bandages were gone and the cuts weren't there, just very dark bruises. Gingerly, I touched my forehead were the gash was. I was bruised there too. 

I kneeled down and lifted Loren's balnket. The bandages that had previously covered her torso were gone and the whole front of her was covered with purple. I gasped and looked away. it was awfull. i lowered the blanket and slipped into my own bed. This was awful. 

I awoke to find myself in Stephano’s arms. I gently removed myself from his sleeping arms and looked toward Loren. Mr. Chair and she were asleep in the bed. I felt a bit weird and turned away even though I wanted to wake Loren up and make sure she was okay.

Everyone else was asleep. I sat back down next to Stephano. I looked toward Stephano and realized he was shirtless. I blushed. He had abs. I laughed and laid back down and tried to remember what my dream was about.

It was a good dream but I couldn’t remember what it was. Then I realized something… I was dreaming! I guess when I fell asleep in my world, I actually was asleep in both worlds. It was kind of nice. I looked toward teh window and saw that the sky was no longer dark but gray as the morining sun began to rise.

That was when Loren started coughing really bad and blood splattered out of her mouth.

“Loren!” I exclaimed shocked and worried.

Mr. Chair was aroused from his sleep and lifted Loren in to a sitting position. He gently patted her back and soon she stopped coughing. He laid her back down gently and stroked her hair.

“She’s in bad shape. We need actual medical supplies or she’s not going to make it…” Mr. Chair informed sadly.

I gasped. No… Not Loren… Please not Loren…

I felt more tears in my eyes but wiped them away. I needed to think rationally. I couldn’t be a big blubbery mess. I took a deep breath and put on a face of confidence.

“I’ll think of something… I promise,” I told Mr. Chair.

I got up again and sat on Loren's bed careful not to hurt her. After a little while I got up and went to sit next to Stephano, who had moved over to the sitting area.

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