Mr. Chair's Stress

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Loren was curled up in a ball on top of me in Chairmode, and I could hear she was mumbling to herself in her sleep. I hoped they would come back to Amnesia, but, at the same time, I wish they wouldn’t, it’s only a matter of time before she gets hurt. I mean they, catching my mistake.

 I tried to focus on what she kept saying, but I could only work out something about her parents and her sisters before she started to whimper lightly. I was surprised to hear her whimper; I wonder what she was dreaming about in this world. I felt her weight shift, then she jumped up quickly, awake, lightly clutching her head. I quickly got out of Chairmode and came up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders. I could feel them tense, but I turned her around and pulled her into a hug.

“Oh,” She jumped.

“I thought…” I whispered slowly failing to keep going. She’s actually back; thank God, if she hadn’t…

She hugged me tighter. “I didn’t know it was you I was sleeping on,” she smirked. I started to blush, God, I could never hide my emotions no matter how hard I tried. I squeezed her back as if I let go she would slip away again. She pulled back a little so she could see my face. I looked down at her, grateful that she hugged me back.

 “We thought something was wrong with you both….we tried to wake you up but no matter how hard we tried…” I looked down. If only I could have woken them up…

“Hey, it wasn’t your fault,” she explained in a cheerful tone, “We woke up in our world and I went back to sleep to see if I could come back to Amnesia, but Emara probably won’t wake up for a while because of her Insomnia,” I explained.

“Emara had Insomnia?!” Stephano called from across the room.

“Yeah, sometimes she has to take medicine to get to sleep.” She answered as if it was normal. She frowned over at Stephano.

 “Wait, you both tried to come back on purpose!? Why!?” I asked confused. Why would they try to come back here? It was too dangerous, what could they want here?

Her cheeks became a mixture of pink and red “Well, um… we left at a bad moment…”

“Oh,” I replied kind of disappointed for some reason, looking back at the ground.

“And… I wanted so see you again…” she added growing even more red. Oh, that’s why.

“Uh, well, I…um…” I could feel my face grow as warm as the sun, she actually came back for me. I couldn’t believe it, “Your clothes changed!” I pointed out, just realizing and trying to change the subject casually.

“Yeah, I changed clothes when I was back in our world. I guess that it kind of didn’t register ‘till now.” she shrugged, “Speaking of that, are Pewdiepie and Gonzales still asleep?”

“They’re over there,” I replied pointing.

 “Is Gonzales going to be okay?” She asked worried.

“He’s pulled through the worst of it, and I think that he might be okay. He’s going to carry a scar with him for the rest of his life, though,” I informed her.

“Oh, Stephano must be grateful he’s going to be okay,” she claimed “Wait… there were six beds open. Why didn’t you just put me in a bed?”

“Uh…” For the second time my face reddened, “W-we should check on Gonzales…” I tried to change the subject, again. She smiled knowingly at me and nodded.

 We went over to Gonzales’s bed. She lifted the blanket, some of the bandages were stained a dark crimson,

“He needs new bandages.” She said examining the colored bandages.

“Yeah,” I agreed nodding. We got to work cleaning his wounds. She was actually not bad at this kind of stuff. “Have you done this before?” I asked curious.

She looked shocked that I asked and then she looked as if she was filled with sorrow and fury all at once but then it disappeared as fast as it came. “My sister was a nurse. I kind of picked up a few things when she was training,” she said tensely. Loren was leaving something big out, I could tell.

I was about to ask her, but then Stephano came up and I figured I’d wait. We worked in silence for a while until someone moaned. I turned toward the noise and realized it was Emara. I looked over at Stephano, but he was already moving over there. He shook her shoulder lightly.

“You’re awake!” Stephano sound so relieved so see Emara open her eyes.

It looked like Loren wasn’t surprised Stephano was acting the way he did around her. After she was done I watched her slowly walk toward the door.

“Where are you going?” I asked Loren quietly, trying not to wake up Gonzales or Felix when they needed rest.

“I was going to take watch,” she explained gently. She was definitely upset over something she wasn’t her usual hyper self.

I started to walk toward her but I realized she probably wanted to be alone. I watched her walk out, wanting to follow her.

I walked over to Felix when he started to moan lightly.

“Ouch… my head,” he whimpered.

“It’s okay, Pewds,” I said trying to reassure him, “you got a minor concussion, just take it easy.”

“What happened?” He asked sitting up slowly.

“Well, Gonzales said that a monster was attacking you when he stepped in front of you and took the blow. I guess you got knocked down or something.” I explained.

“Oh, yeah…” Pewdie mumbled remembering.

“Are you feeling alright?” Stephano asked coming up with Emara standing behind him. I guess she still couldn’t remember because she was acting shy.

“Yeah, but I’d give anything for an aspirin right now.” Pewdie laughed.

“Here…” Emara pulled out a white bottle from the pocket of her newly acquired jacket.

“How did you get that?” Stephano asked shocked.

“I stuck it in my pocket to see if I could bring it back… I guess it worked…” She explained, “Where’s Loren?”

“She’s outside,” I said.

“Okay,” She nodded and went outside to her.

“I hope Emara can cheer her up,” I said without thinking.

“Who? And why? Can someone please tell me what all I've missed!?” Pewdie cried.

I looked at Stephano, “It’s a long story…” He said. We started when we ran into the girls.

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