Happy Birthday Zayn!

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Zayn’s POV

“Malik…!” A voice called me, the very reason I woke up. I groggily sat down on my bed. I stared at the door, trying to know who was calling me.

“Niall…! He is asleep! Don’t wake the birthday boy!” Another voice said. I realized it was Liam and yeah, it is my birthday.

“That is why, I am waking him up!” Niall answered and knocked hardly on the door.

“Stop it kiddo!” Harry yelled.

“Zayn Malik! Wake up!” Niall yelled and as if he was near to me and that my eardrums would crack.

“I am coming Nialler!” I yelled back. I stood up and took a shirt from my closet and opened the door. Niall stood there and behind him we’re the other boys.

“Happy Birthday Idol!” Niall yelled and threw his big hug to me. I almost can’t breathe.

“Niall! You’re going to kill Zayn with that!” Louis screamed as he tried to pull Niall away from me and he managed to.

“Niall, thank you,” I said as I am catching my breath. He smiled.

“Happy birthday mate,” the other boys said in unison.

“Thank you,” I said as I closed my room’s door.

“Come on down,” Liam said “The others have surprise for you,” he added with a wink.

“Ooooh, the girls…” I hummed and they nodded.

“Come quickly!” Niall said and pulled me to the kitchen. The other boys smirked as they followed. We went down the staircase and into the hall and turned to the kitchen and …

“SURPRISE…”! The women yelled. Party Poppers boomed. Alexa, Dana and Summer we’re there.

“Thanks girls!” I said and hugged the three of them.

“Aww, that is sweet,” Dana said as she moved away from the hug. I smiled and looked around the kitchen. Someone was missing.

“Where is Angelic?” I asked. Angelic is Louis and Summer’s baby girl.

“She is still asleep Zayn,” Summer answered. “But she’ll be awake soon,”

“I see,” I said with a smile. I glanced at the table and saw lot’s of food. Reminds me of Niall.

“Since it is your birthday, we cooked breakfast for you,” Alexa butted in. I sat down on the chair smiling.

“See? If I haven’t awakened Zayn yet, we’ll wait for him until 12 midnight to eat his breakfast,” Niall joked. I laughed. I tilted my head to him.

“Am I really that good in sleeping?” I asked him.

“Yeah,” he said with a slow nod. I giggled as I watched him do that. I tilted again my head, this time to the girls again.

“Thanks guys,” I said. “You made my birthday very, very, very special,” I added. They we’re smiling.

“You know how important you are Zayn,” Dana said. Dana is expecting a child this year with Harry, while Alexa and Niall are already engaged.

“And before we will forget…” Summer said. She then disappeared and appeared, carrying a 2 layered cake.

“Ohmy!” I screamed. The cake was fantastic. “Am I thinking the right person who baked this?”

“Uhm, no,” Alexa answered with a smile. “Summer and Dana helped me in making that but the boys did not,”

“I love you girls,” I said and made three flying kisses, each one of them.

“I’m jealous,” Harry said as he moved closer to Dana and hugged her. “Mate, I am,” he said with the sound of joking.

“You’re joking,” Dana said as she elbowed him. I smiled.

“I’m hungry. We should eat everything here!” I yelled. They sat down and we had a yummy breakfast.

Moments: Book Four Of One Direction Series (Zayn Malik Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now