All He Never Said

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Alexa's POV

"... and he told me that he actually never meant it. I was a fool to believe in that kiss, that there was actually something mutual between us. But I was wrong! I was. I hate him!" Erin cried. I consoled her. It's been two hours and its almost four and here we are, both wide awake. She was the one who was really drunk after drinking 4 bottles of beer yet I fully understand because she is the one who is heartbroken. Oh yes, I am not drunk. I am stuck here, trying to calm her down. 

I just called Zayn and told him to come over even if it is already wee hours in the morning. But I am pretty sure that he is wide awake, the same as us because he never sleeps when something is bothering him so bad.

I tried to stop Erin to drink more from the large bottles of beers sitting in front of us. I drank two mugs but it hasn't effected that much to me yet. But I decided to stop because I think it wouldn't be a good idea if I get drunk too and have fun in enjoying Erin's heartbroken rant.

"Maybe he was just too shy to tell you that he feels the same way," I told her. She looked to me, her eyes swollen, bloodshot. I could tell really that she is very heartbroken with Zayn. I've never seen her like this before. She had like short term mutual understandings with some boys but she never reacted like this, in which she would cry and drink. I can really tell this is love.

And I know how cliche this was to hear. But this is how love is. Very dramatic.

"No, he doesn't feel the same way. I u-understand him. After all, he is Z-zayn Malik of One Direction right? He can be this... type of guy who can play and wrap girls in his fingers in the first minute then leave the next. And I am one of them." she laughed. "V-very typical." she slurred. She then drank from the bottle. "I can't believe I actually believed that he was the different one,"

"Oh please. Stop thinking that Zayn is like that because he never is and never was. I tell you, he isn't like that. But when you say the name of Harry Styles , then maybe I'll agree even if he is no longer one anymore after marrying Dana," I told her.

"Then if he isn't, what the fuck he is doing?" she asked. "He told me that he never meant it at all. But why did I feel that way? Why did I feel that he likes me back? Was I that really expecting and assuming much that he liked me at all or was I just hallucinating and telling myself that he really was,"

"Neither of the two," I told her. She looked to me, mouth agape.

"What the hell are you talking about?" she asked. I sighed. I should have never told her that for I know I have no right. Zayn is the one - and must be the one who would tell her the truth, that all this time, Zayn likes her back and that he meant that kiss. He was just afraid he might get rejected.

"Zayn is a shy kind of person," I told her. "I've known him for awhile. And he is really as shy as Mimosa Pudica. He shuts himself down right away when he is really that shy," I explained to her.

"No," she retorted. "He does not like me at all,"

"We don't know what he's got on his head, Erin. Yes, we can't assume but we can depend on our intuition. That is." I told her and sighed. "There is nothing wrong to have doubts but then when you sense the strong feeling, then there is something - something not to be held back and you must hold on to it,"

She looked to me, quite pleased with the words I spoke. I know I am way too excited for myself that I wanted to tell her how much Zayn likes her. But then, I don't want to.

"You are just telling me that because you wanted to make me feel fine," she said. I shook my head.

"Why would I? When I am pretty sure that I am right when I said that?" I told her. She looked to my eys, confused.

Moments: Book Four Of One Direction Series (Zayn Malik Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now