In My Head

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Erin’s POV

I woke up with my head buried on Zayn’s chest. I could hear his heartbeat. I then climbed out of the couch, where we fell asleep last night after that stupid blackout. I didn’t make any noise because I knew; Zayn slept late last night just to look over me and to make sure I am okay.

I proceeded to my room and brushed my teeth and composed myself. I went down the stairs still finding Zayn asleep in the couch. I smiled to myself and decided to cook breakfast for the two of us, my way of saying thank you to what he did to me.

A dream:

“Can you see that?”

“No,” the woman said “Where?”

“That one,” The guy pointed. The girl followed his finger that was pointing somewhere. Then he stole a kiss on the girl’s cheeks.

“David!” the girl yelled. “Someone might see us. Please,”

“I just stole a kiss. That’s all,” the guy said.

“Still, it’s not allowed right?” the woman asked. “You know how my father hates our relationship and he knows that we have broke up,”

“That’s what he knows love,” the guy said. “There is nothing to be afraid of,”

“What if my father finds out that we are still together? What if he kills you like what he had said before? I don’t want to lose you,”

“You won’t lose me,” he said with a smile. The woman smiled weakly. She leaned on to him and placed her head onto his left shoulder as they watched the sun set.

“That’s beautiful…,” she murmured as he held her hand.

“Yes it is… just like you,” the guy said. Then they heard a loud thundering voice going to them and…

Zayn’s POV

“AHHH…” Zayn screamed at the top of his lungs. He sat up on the couch and was catching for his breathe.

“Zayn!” he heard the voice calling his name. Then he saw Erin race out of the kitchen to him. She sat down the couch and held his arms. “Are you okay?” He looked to her and there again, she saw that familiar eyes that he couldn’t remember where he had seen it.

“I am,” I said “I just dreamt of something,”

“What?” she asked me. She really looked worried.

“Nothing that much,” I said. “There was this guy and a woman talking about their relationship and her father being against it,” I said and shook my head. “I didn’t get what it means,”

“Maybe it was just you know, watching too much movies and then your mind reacted to it,” She said with a smile assurance. “And I think you just need food,” she added.

“Maybe,” I said with a smile. She made me calm. Of course, people dream different things and even the ones that you find weird to dream, got you dreaming. Dreams are really unexpected, playful and unexpected.

“I already breakfast Zayn so that we could eat once you wake up,” she said as she stood up from the couch. “Let’s go? I am hungry already after that stupid blackout last night,”

“Yeah, the blackout,” I muttered and she smiled.

“Don’t worry about that dream Zayn,”

“But it feels so real. Like it happened to me before. These past few months I kept on dreaming things that I really don’t know,” I said. “Like the other one, when in my dream, I died…and…”

Moments: Book Four Of One Direction Series (Zayn Malik Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now