Batter and Frosting Fight!

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Erin’s POV

I made my last minute checks before we started out our plan. Louis called me up and told us that he has Harry with him and telling me “The fish is in the net, the fish is in the net”. He actually sounds like a spy.

Few minutes after Louis gave me call, Niall told me that Alexa called him up and told him that Dana is with her as well already. Now, I bet, this plan is working perfectly. Summer and the two baby in the house, Angelic we’re locked up into the master’s bedroom of the house. The innocent minds should never be polluted.

“How is Dana?” Zayn asked me. I saw him staring at me. I stopped whatever I was doing.

“Alexa said that she is trying to make Dana calm down and telling her to stop crying because she is pregnant and she should never be stressed. But Dana won’t stop,” I shared.

“You think I should go and get to Dana?” He asked.

“It’s not a good idea actually,” I said. “Dana will find out what we are planning. Let’s just keep this think a little low out of the radar,” I suggested.

“Poor Dana,” Zayn muttered. “I hope the baby is okay,”

“Yeah, I am worried of her because of that,” I said. “I’m scared she might get a miscarriage. It’s really going to be so bad,”

“And Harry will be so devastated,” Zayn said. “But then he could never blame Dana. It was his fault. If he didn’t do it at the first place then maybe, this is not happening at all,”

“I agree with you on that,” I said as I leaned on the kitchen counter. “You think, by the end of this, everything will be back to normal?”

“I’m not that sure about this,” He said. “Honestly. But I am hoping that this will turn out good,”

“I’m the one who is nervous,” I said rubbing both of my hands together. “I don’t know how all of this can be put out,”

“It will be good,” He said. “I assure you that,”

“As if you know what will happen later, huh?” I asked with a grin.

“Just… expect the unexpected. It works,” He said.

“Oh, then if I expected the unexpected such as it all ended up into a divorce? Then, should I still believe in that thing next time?” I asked seriously. Zayn smiled at me.

“Don’t be so serious about this you know. Calm down. This will work, promise,” Zayn said. “I know Harry and Dana, they love each other that much, most especially now that they are going to have a baby,”

“I hope what you are saying right now will come true. I hope you have the tongue of an angel,” I said as I started to work again with whatever I am doing.

“What are you doing?” he asked behind me.

“Oh, baking cupcakes,” I answered. I was mixing the eggs and the flour in the bowl.

“Cupcakes?” He asked. “It sounds delicious!”

“This are all for us,” I said. “Alexa baked a cake for Harry and Dana earlier, right before she left. I was the one who watched out for it,”

“Ohh. I’m already hungry,” he said.

“You have to wait for this or I’ll make you eat this uncooked batter,” I joked.

“That tastes not good. Uh,” Zayn said.

“Exactly,” I said.

“Would you mind if I help you on these?” he asked. I turned and looked to him.

Moments: Book Four Of One Direction Series (Zayn Malik Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now