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Zayn's POV

After settling, ordering and dinner served for us, we started to dig in. I sat beside Erin who was enjoying the pasta she ordered which if I am not mistaken, is named fettuccine. I settled for carbonara since I haven't eaten once for while. Most of us are eating pasta's since we really love their pasta's here.

"I can eat pasta's all day if I want to," Niall mumbled. I shook my head with a smile on my face, as I ate my pasta in proper way: spinning the fork and getting the noodles which I find quite fun to do.

"You can do that, all the time babe," Alexa grinned. I raised my head up to see Alexa wipe the sauce that was on Niall's face. I can't help but to giggle.

"Cheesy," Liam said. We all shot him a look, all at once.

"Someone is jealous," Harry said.

"Not quite," Liam said as he ate the pasta away from his fork, smiling.

"Looks like someone is happy that all of us are using fork right now," Louis teased. I immediately got what he meant as I knew that all of us are actually using fork to eat our pastas.

"Well, sort of," Liam said with a nod. "It's sort of weird seeing all of us guys, using fork only,"

"Get over it," Dana suggested. I continued to eat mine and my eyes darted to Erin who has a little pasta left on her plate. She was silent as she ate, obviously, focused into eating the dish.

"You want more?" I asked Erin. She looked to me and smiled.

"Thanks. But I have to pass," she said with a sweet smile. "Those chips got me awfully full. It really does ruin your appetite,"

I smiled to her. "Well, can't blame your stomach for having that chips. You were hungry. I'll even do the same if I were you," I said. "Just say if you want more. I can get you more,"

"No biggie," she said as she whipped the remnants of the pasta using a fork and ate it. She silently placed the fork on the side and drank some of her juice.

"Isn't the pasta good?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah. Really good," she nodded, agreeing on what I just said. "Reminds me of Nana," she added with an unexplainable expression. I noticed how her expression shifted to a sad one, as if she remembered something that is sad for her to think of.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. Liam, who was sitting beside me stopped earing his pasta and looked over to Erin.

"I'm fine," she said weakly. "I just missed my Nana," 

"Who's Nana?" Louis asked confused.

"Nana is Erin's late and beloved grandmother," Alexa answered for Erin. She nodded when all of us, altogether, glanced at her. 

"Oh," I gasped. She smiled, this time a genuine one.

"She has a little Italian blood," Erin explained. "That explains why I love Pasta's because of her. She makes really pretty good pasta's when she wasn't that old. She loves making lots for me,"

"How I wish I had meet her," Niall said. We all looked to him confused. "What? She might cook some for me and she'll end up loving me,"

"Bliss you little wish Niall," Dana said smirking.

"Well, I am sure she'll love you Niall," Alexa said.

"You met her already?" Niall asked.

Alexa nodded. "Yeah. She died two years ago so I had the chance to meet her and taste her pasta, I think that was like four times? I guess,"

Moments: Book Four Of One Direction Series (Zayn Malik Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now