Chapter 3: A Date for Two?

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Several minutes pass by as we wait for our orders, there was nothing but dead silence between us. I couldn't make out her expressions at this point as I am keeping in check my own as I look outside the window continuously, for no apparent reason but to hide my expressions. "Am I seriously falling for this girl?! The same girl that kicked my balls in front of tens of hundreds of people?" I thought of to myself.

At that moment Jane, our waitress come up to us with our orders.

"Here you go you two!" She says as she sets our orders on our table. "Here also is a strawberry shortcake!"

"But we didn't order this?" I said to her.

"Don't worry, it's on me, now don't go making out here in public you two and enjoy your meal!"

Alex gave me a death defying glare in the eyes as Jane walks away to leave us be. "What sorcery is this."

"Don't look at me, anyways you can have the cake, I don't really like strawberries." I slide the plate beside her. "Let's eat for now I'm starving."

"Sure." she says so as timid and unemotional as possible.

Half an hour passes by and we finish our meal. I pay for the bill and we head back out to the car. As I start the engine the thoughts of me being confused with whatever feelings and emotions are being poked at the doorstep of my heart right now. Am I starting to have a crush on her? Or am I just simply being weirded out by everything that has happened recently. One thing is for sure, I just want to get home and sleep right after all this.

"Where can I drop you of?"

"I don't really know, like I said I just moved here from France not too long ago and I don't really know my way around here."

I sigh in disbelief that I may have to babysit this girl for a couple more hours before I am reunited with my bed, along with the thought of that this person beside me is also my neighbor at that.

"I don't really know where you would want to go either, I was able to explore the area a bit yesterday so I know my way around the main roads."

"Anything interesting here to go to?"

"Well there are, but you wouldn't like it, it's a guy thing."

"Oh you mean strip clubs and gay bars? I understand let's go anyway."


She smirks and giggles then presents to me a wide and cute smile. God she is so pretty, if not for her attitude at times.

"What's that look for?"

"Nothing I just can't help but remember what our waitress said awhile ago. We look nothing like a couple at all, I mean why would someone like me date you?"

"Well thanks for the compliment I guess...."

"It's a joke you dumbass, I'm not looking for relationships right now anyways, been in them too much already."

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