Chapter 5: A New Day

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I open my eyes slowly to the dazzling sunlight shining pass the window. What happened... My head hurts... Did I get drunk or something? Wait a minute.... This isn't my room?! Where am I?

As I start to collect my thoughts and get a hold of this situation, my hand feels this soft and warm feeling beside me. Alex?! Why was I sleeping beside her?! Wait, calm down. We still have our clothes on so we can rule out that possible outcome. "Hey, Alex, wake up" I shake her as much as I could, but instead of her waking up, I am met with a kick to the chest and a loud groan from her.

"5 more minutes mom..." Is she an 8 year old or something?

"I'm not your mom you dimwit, now wake up!" After she hears my voice for a second time, she quickly widens her eyes and finally understands the predicament she is in.


"That's what I want to know to! What happened last night anyways?!"

"Ughh.... How should I know?! God, my head hurts."

I quickly got up from her bed and proceed out of her room. "I will just take my leave then." I say so as sneakingly and as quietly as I could to escape her.


Pregnant?! Wait, we didn't do any sort of shit like that right?! Must be alcohol. Definitely alcohol. I tried to smell my breath to confirm it but alas, all I could smell was the bacon from last night's meal. Well shit... I wonder what really happened last night... Ha-ha-ha.... I try to be as sarcastic as possible to myself because this is a very bad situation we are in.

"You're over exaggerating yourself Alex, I mean think about it, why would I ever want to sleep with you to begin with?" I thought to myself that this was a great response to what is happening and smile it off.

"It's the other way around, why would I ever want to sleep with someone like YOU."

My eyebrow twitch for a second at her response. "I'll go make breakfast, I hope poison is fine for you." I proceed to run back to my apartment and lock the door. Crap... Think happy thoughts. Think of... porn! ..... Shit.... After a few minutes of standing behind my front door, I hear a soft knock on it, "Hey you there?" It's her again... CRAP CRAP CRAP WHAT SHOULD I DO.

"Let me in."

"How about, no?"

"I can call the cops and make this worse."

"Shit... Fine just don't do anything rash..." I open it slowly only to be met with this brute force of her forcing her way in and she lands on top of me as I stumble down the floor. God that hurts.... What's this on my face... I open my eyes slowly to see this blushing expression on her face, our eyes meeting and glaring at each others' soul. We were kissing. KISSING?! I quickly push her away and slide away from her and sit up against the wall. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" I say so towards a girl sitting on the floor in a cute manner, with her left pointer finger on her lips and looking down, blushing.

"H-hey Alex... A-are you alright?"

"That was my first k-----." In a moment's notice her blushing expression that was burned to my memory became that of rage as she storms out of my apartment and slams the door shut behind her. Well that was one way to keep her out....

9 days before college starts... And I'm all out of ideas and things to do. Might as well go out and enjoy the sun or something. I go into my room and get a change of clothes ready and proceed to shower. After getting read, I head out of my apartment complex, shirtless and wearing a pair of summer shorts.

"You look weird without a shirt." I immediately turn around and to my surprise, I see Alex, wearing nothing but a two piece black swimwear that is both cute and elegant. "Woah, Alex! You look scarier in lingerie! Yuck!"

"Haha, mister clown, you were checking out my body from head to toe and you say I am scary?"

I look away from her and walk past by towards the stairs to go out. "You already know the compliment I will say to you about it, so why bother?" She smiles behind me and joins me out. "Let's go to the beach together!" She grabs my arm and snuggles it as if she was my girlfriend or something.
"Hey! Don't do that! It's embarrassing you know!"

"And you don't think it is also for me?..."

I sigh and just let her be as we cross the street towards the beach off the coast of Dredton. A very warm and open beach, but no people today as it is a Friday and everyone is either working or just planning out a Thank God it's Friday! party of some sort. We reach a point in the beach we find comfortable, nothing but sandy beaches on both ends and fewer than 20 people in the area right now.

"You can go swim if you want, I'll just sunbathe here." She sets her towel down and lays down with her back showing and unbuckles her bra."

"... You have no sense of decency, don't you?"

"More of I am from France and I just don't care."

"So you don't care about the fact that you took my first kiss?"

"It was my first too..." She says silently and inaudible enough for me to hear.

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, go swim now or something, I'll be right here getting a tan if you need me."

I turn around from her and walk towards the water, such a nice view, too bad my folks back at home couldn't be here... I swim around 50 meters away from the beach and start to swim, diving as deep as 20 feet down and just enjoying life of being free for the first time.

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