Chapter 4: A Night Well Spent

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Half an hour has passed since we arrived here, we took up a position along the edge of the cliff, our feet dangling as we sit down on the escarpment of it. No words were traded between us as we merely take on the view. All the vibrant colors passing through our pupils, the warm wind made by the sun with the refreshing breeze of the ocean. Truly a sight to behold.

"What time is it?" She asks.

"Roughly half past two."

"I see. Mind if we stay here until sunset? I wanna see the view from here."

"Sure, I got nothing to do for the day anyways."

A lot of questions are looming through my mind right now. What are these feelings looming inside of me, are they of love? Affection? Or just uneasiness? How did she get a hold of that song? Didn't I delete that from existence? Besides, I didn't upload it online either, I merely sent it to Bri-----. Oh crap. Knowing that girl she probably spread it online to make fun of me something, I'm so ignorant to not think about that after all that happened, UGH!!!! Well what's done is done I guess.

"Hey Alex, mind if I get a copy of that song you were listening to a while ago? I'm rather curious about it."

"Yeah, sure..." She hands over her phone and looks towards the distance again with and ever cuter expression, something about her really mystifies me. I immediately go through her song library to get a copy of that song, when suddenly the phone vibrates. A message huh? I return it to her and telling her about her notification.

"Ahh, thanks."

"Who is it from?" She checks it and gives this rather worried and sad expression on her face for a split second then acts as if it didn't happened.

"No one, it was just spam mail or something."

A couple more hours had passed, at this point I had fallen asleep on the edge of the cliff. Minutes past 5 in the afternoon she wakes me up, it's what she has been waiting for, a sunset. Are girls really that fond of it? Well, I guess I am too. I tend to pick something subtle like a sunset over friends truth be told.

She gets up from her position beside me, she stretches up and lets out a big sigh. "God that was an awesome sight! Shall we head back now?"

"You sure? It's not fully set yet?"

"It's enough, besides, rush hour traffic is about to pick up soon, we don't want to get tangled up in that now, do we?"

"Good point, I know an easier way back down than that steep incline we took. Come, follow me I'll lead the way."

"Wait, why didn't we take route on the way up earlier?"

"Reasons." I sneak a peak at her expression to reveal this sadistic woman's anger on her face. Crap I stumbled a landmine so it seems. "Errr....."

"Not a word. Let's go."

We head back down while I felt knives being stabbed in my back from her glare. We got back to the car and drove back towards the simple, uninteresting apartment complex we lived in. Of course, her being the lazy girl, slept throughout the ride, a grueling hour long ride due to the traffic. Well it could've been worse had we left at the peak of rush hour.

"We're hear!" I screamed at her ear at the top of my voice only to meet a slap and a startled girl.

"Are you crazy?!?!?!"

"You didn't have to slap me that hard!"

"Want another one you moron?!"

"NO NO NO, let's just get in already, it's freezing out here."

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