Chapter 9

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I slowly open my eyes to see nothing but white lights. Then I realize that I'm in the hospital staring at the ceiling. I try to sit up, but I have the worst headache ever. I turn my head to see my dads sleeping holding my hand. Then all these memories of what happened comes floating back. How we recorded a song, then I started stressing. I guess I had a panic attack and passed out. I look to the other side and see the rest of the band. Kristie is holding my hand. I squeeze her hand a little and she opens her eyes to reveal just how bloodstained they were.

Next I squeezed Mitch's hand, and his eyes popped open. He almost screamed. "Scott, Avi, Kevin wake up! He's awake." Slowly one by one they opened their eyes. Mitch wrapped me in his arms then Scott joined. Soon I was drowning in their love. It was nice, but I couldn't breathe. "Guys, I can't breathe. I'm ok. I really am." Scott left, and I assumed he went to get the doctor. I scooted over and let Mitch lay with me. Avi started singing, and soon everyone joined in. I sang Scott's part since he was MIA (the rapper) at the time. During the song Scott came in with the doctor. "Well its nice to see you awake. I was starting to worry about you." Something seemed off about him, so I kept my distance. He had to check my vitals and everything, but other then that I didn't let him close to me.

They went to get food, and told me to rest up a bit. Even though I was greatful for the time alone, I didn't want to sleep. I wanted to call Jake. I pulled my phone from my bag and sent him a text.

James: hey J.

Green eyes: omg James I heard what happened! Are you okay??

James: I'm fine. I started stressing out and had a mini panic attack.

Green eyes: I'm glad you're okay. When can I come see you.

James: whenever you can. It would be nice to see you.

Green eyes: okay. See you soon.

I smiled at the conversation we cute. I loved talking to Jake, he's an amazing guy. I didn't notice my dads walk in, and they watched my face light up. "What are you smiling at?" My head snapped up, eyes wide. When I realized it was them I calmed down. "Just a friend." I didn't what them to know how much I liked Jake, not yet anyways. They sat a bowl of soup in front of me, and I started eating. We talked about what happened, and what I can do to prevent it from happening again. When I was done eating, the nurse took my bowl and I laid down. I fell asleep rather quickly, only to be woken up by my creepy doctor.

I looked at him, as he looked at me. "How are you feeling?" He asked while sliding his hand up my leg. I pressed the nurse button, and told him I was fine. "Hmm yes you are. Have you ever been with a grown man?" I swallowed hard and hit the button again. I was so glad when my dads walked in with the nurse. They took in the scene, and Scott had the doctor against the wall in .3 seconds. Mitch rapped me in his arms. "Are you okay?" I nodded and looked at Scott. I've never felt this protected ever! It was nice. I closed my eyes, and took a breath. I'm okay.

Soon everyone cleared out, and it was just me and my family. Scott did not catch a case, which was a blessing considering he was about to kill that doctor. I soon fell asleep again. This time I slept for about 3 hours. When I woke up, there was a certain green eyed boy sitting by my bed. He looked as if he had been crying. "What's wrong?" He looked up and smiled. "Nothing I was crying when I found out you were in the hospital is all." I gave him a sad smile. "Sorry I didn't mean to worry you. Come here." I scoot over and he sits on the bed next to me. I wrap my arms around him and we cuddle up.

We fell asleep like that and I wish we could do it all the time. We were woken up by my new doctor and my dads. He checked my vitals and then cleared me to leave. I was discharged about an hour later, and we were on our way home. Jake didn't realize how tall I was until I stood up. "Dang giant! Why didn't you tell me you were like 6 feet tall?" I laughed. "I'm not that tall! You're just short." His jaw dropped in fake hurt, then Mitch jumped in, "what's wrong with being short?" I laughed again. "Nothing short people are cute, even though its a hassle to look down all the time."

Everyone started dying laughing. It felt good to be going home after spending hours in the hospital. We piled into the car, tall people up front and short people in the back. "Anyone else hungry? I could eat a 4 course meal by myself." Scott said. I wasn't that hungry, but I could go for some food. Everyone agreed and we headed to a sit down restaurant, no one wanted fast food because that's not a great idea for someone who just got out the hospital.

We walked in and once my dads and Kristie were spotted, we were given the 'best seat' in the house. We ordered our food and soon fans spotted them and asked for pictures. I laid my head on Jake's shoulder, it was going to be a long night. I watched my family engage in conversation with about 20 people, take pictures with about 25 and sign autographs for about 30. Jake could tell I hated it, and tried to distract me. "James when is your birthday?" I knew what he was trying to do, but the conversation was nice so I went along with it. "December 26th. My favorite holiday." He laughed. "Mines is April 9th(that's my birthday! Carry on)" I put that away for later.

Finally they were done with the mob of people that had formed around our table, and our food came out. Jake and I got the same thing because it sounded good. Everyone finished their food except me, I didn't have much of an appetite. I don't know what it was, maybe I was tired, or maybe I just wanted to go home. Mitch notice quickly though. "James what's wrong? You haven't really eaten anything. Are you okay?" I nodded before swallowing what was in my mouth. " I'm fine, I guess I wasn't as hungry as you guys, or maybe I'm just really tired." He nodded in understanding. I laid back on Jake's shoulder and kinda just stayed there until it was time to leave. He's very comfortable.

Soon we all piled in the car and headed home. Jake's parents said he could spend the night, so we dropped off Kristie and headed home. Tonight was going to be fun.


I don't understand how writers can just be like "this I'd only 1000 words" what do you mean only?!? This is 1200 words. Feel free to read slowly. I cannot update every day, but that doesn't mean I love you any less. I just have a lot to do is all. Remember to live laugh love and #prayfortheworld . it needs all the prayers it can get. Peace- ★child.

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